Reek 0.3.1 Released

reek version 0.3.1 has been released!

reek detects smells in Ruby code

Changes in version 0.3.1 2008-11-17:

  • Uncommunicative Name now checks instance variables more thoroughly,
    and also warns about names of the form 'x2e$B!le(B.

  • There’s a new warning about multiple identical calls within a single

  • e$B!De(Band consequently the scope of Feature Envy warnings has been
    so that it now only covers overuse of lvars within a single method.
    the warnings will be a little less rabid than in previous versions!

  • Each checked code smell now has rdoc comments explaining what each
    smell is about and providing a simple example.

  • Chained iterators are no longer mis-reported as nested.
