REE & application frozen gems

I have the following versions of ruby installed in my production env.

ubuntu ~ > /usr/bin/ruby -v
ruby 1.8.7 (2010-01-10 patchlevel 249) [x86_64-linux]

ubuntu ~ > /opt/ruby-enterprise-1.8.7-2010.01/bin/ruby -v
ruby 1.8.7 (2009-12-24 patchlevel 248) [x86_64-linux], MBARI 0x6770,
Ruby Enterprise Edition 2010.01

I have frozen my gems in my application at /home/deploy/rails_apps/

Do i need to reinstall all frozen gems of my application again in REE
so that apache+passenger can pick it up?
Where does apache look for gems? Wont it look into my vendor directory
where i have frozen gems?

On Jun 5, 4:20 am, tispratik [email protected] wrote:

I have frozen my gems in my application at /home/deploy/rails_apps/

Do i need to reinstall all frozen gems of my application again in REE
so that apache+passenger can pick it up?

No - that’s the whole point of freezing a gem into your app: you don’t
have to install it anywhere because it’s bundled in with your app


but the gems installed in the vendor directory are from my development
In my dev env, i dont have REE installed, so those gems were installed
and frozen using the dev ruby compiler.

Shouldn’t i install the gems using REE and then freeze them in prod

Pratik Khadloya wrote:

but the gems installed in the vendor directory are from my development
In my dev env, i dont have REE installed, so those gems were installed
and frozen using the dev ruby compiler.

So what?

Shouldn’t i install the gems using REE and then freeze them in prod

No. There’s no need. Ruby is not compiled, so REE and MRI can run from
the same source files.


Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]

On Jun 6, 6:37 am, Marnen Laibow-Koser [email protected] wrote:

Pratik Khadloya wrote:

Shouldn’t i install the gems using REE and then freeze them in prod

No. There’s no need. Ruby is not compiled, so REE and MRI can run from
the same source files.

The only exception being if the gem had a native extension, in which
case there’s a rake task to rebuild it ( rake gems:build off the top
of my head)


Oh ok! I get it now, actually was confused by this post
where it says that you need to reinstall all gems and had
will_paginate in the list. I dont think will_paginate requires any
native extensions.

  1. Ruby is not compiled.
  2. Need to re-install only those gems which have a native extension.

1 more thing, do i need to set the path variable to point to /opt/ruby-
enterprise-1.8.7-2010.01/bin/ruby instead of /usr/bin/ruby,
so that any operations i do on my application residing at /home/deploy/
rails_apps/my_app the REE is used?