Redirecting scripted ActiveRecord o/p to a log

I have a script which uses ActiveRecord to create a table
if it is not already there.

When I run it … I get the following to STDOUT

– create_table(“cnc_services”, {:force=>true})
-> 0.0660s

Well and good, but I want that to go to a log file, so I do this

require_gem “activerecord”
require ‘logger’
$logger =’/var/log/db_check_schema.log’, 3, 500000)
$logger.level = Logger::INFO
$logger.datetime_format = “%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S”
ActiveRecord::Base.logger = $logger # <— Try to get AR to log to our

ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection …

class CncService < ActiveRecord::Base

unless CncService.table_exists?
ActiveRecord::Schema.define() do
create_table “cnc_services”, :force => true do |t|
# column definitions

Well, I still get

– create_table(“cnc_services”, {:force=>true})
-> 0.0660s

on STDOUT, and nothing in my log file.

An explicit call to the logger, like
$ “text”
goes there of course.

BTW, I am using Postgres here (if it matters).

So, what is the trick?

Thanks much,
– Mike B.

Mike B. wrote:

I have a script which uses ActiveRecord to create a table
if it is not already there.

When I run it … I get the following to STDOUT

– create_table(“cnc_services”, {:force=>true})
-> 0.0660s

Well and good, but I want that to go to a log file, so I do this

require_gem “activerecord”
require ‘logger’
$logger =’/var/log/db_check_schema.log’, 3, 500000)
$logger.level = Logger::INFO
$logger.datetime_format = “%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S”
ActiveRecord::Base.logger = $logger # <— Try to get AR to log to our

ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection …

class CncService < ActiveRecord::Base

unless CncService.table_exists?
ActiveRecord::Schema.define() do
create_table “cnc_services”, :force => true do |t|
# column definitions

Well, I still get

– create_table(“cnc_services”, {:force=>true})
-> 0.0660s

on STDOUT, and nothing in my log file.

An explicit call to the logger, like
$ “text”
goes there of course.

BTW, I am using Postgres here (if it matters).

So, what is the trick?

Thanks much,
– Mike B.

It seems that that “create_table …” output, whereever it is coming
is being written to STDOUT not the logger.

Well, I still wanted it in my log, so I ended up doing this …

$logger =’/var/log/testrun.log’, 3, 500000)
$logger.level = Logger::INFO # DEBUG if you want it all
$logger.datetime_format = “%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S”

Give our logger a singleton write method

that allows it to take the place of stdout.

def $logger.write(data);; end
$old_stdout, $stdout = $stdout, $logger

Make singleton method(s) on the logger

to also copy o/p to the original stdout

class Logger
alias orig_info info
def $
$old_stdout.puts logdata
orig_info logdata

– Mike B.