Hey all,
Recently I’ve been looking into on how to return back to a previous
referring URL and and the most common approach is:
redirect_to session[:return_to]
But some recommend:
redirect_to(session.delete(:return_to) || default)
How I understand it, in the second example we call session.delete so it
will clear the return path since we will no longer need it, and we also
|| to fall back to default URL in case the session is nil. Kind of makes
sense, but what I am trying to understand is (and I couldn’t find it
anywhere explained) what are the implications of -not- using
session.delete, how is it better, is it a security thing? And also
back to default, in what cases can a session be nil? If there are other
checks present (I am using Devise) should this be necessary?
Hope my questions make sense. Thank you.