Redirect to last page in pagination


I have a forum and at the bottom of each page of the current topic I
have a form to add a reply.

I am using the following pagination to display 20 posts per topic per

  page = (params[:page] ||= 1).to_i
  posts_per_page = 20
  offset = (page - 1) * posts_per_page

  @posts = Post.find(:all, :conditions => ["topic_id = ?",

params[:id]], :order => “created_on DESC”)

  @post_pages =, @posts.length, posts_per_page,


  @posts = @posts[offset..(offset + posts_per_page - 1)]

My question is:

When a user adds a reply, I want to then redirect that person to the
last page of posts (which is where their reply will have been added)

Any ideas how i could go about this?


Scott H. wrote:

last page of posts (which is where their reply will have been added)
Any ideas how i could go about this?

Pagination is a highly debated topic with several ways of implementing
it. While it may be better to use one of the pagination plugins, here
is a suggestion based on your current implementation.

To get the number of total posts, use: Posts.count - your current code
selects every single post from the database on a request to that
action, which is inefficient and will not scale.

You could support a custom ?page=last parameter.

total = Post.count
limit = 20
page = params[:page] || 1
page = (total.to_f / limit).ceil if page == “last”

@posts = Topic.find(params[:id]).posts.find(all, :limit => limit,
:offset => (page.to_i-1)*limit, :order => “created_on DESC”)
@post_pages =, total, limit, page.to_i)

I’m not sure this is the cleanest way to implement what you want, but
it will work.

redirect_to :controller => ‘posts’, :action => ‘list’, :page => ‘last’

Dan M.


Thanks for that. I’ll give it a go.

I never actually thought about pagination plugins. Are there any you
would recommended?


question about pagination and how it does not scale well, what size
recordset will pagination start being a problem? < 1000, > 2000, a few
hundred? or are we talking 10k and above?