Let assume that server called n1 is reverse proxy (SSL) for http server
s1. Client c1 connects to n1 using given URL https://n1/index.html and
in the end reads web page from /var/www/index.html on s1. What I want to
do is to change URL sent to s1 depending on some header value sent by
client. Namely, c1 connects to n1 with URL https://n1/index.html and
with header “some_header=123” then n1 checks in some configuration file
what to do if some_header has the value of 123 and changes the URL
http://s1/123/index.html (as an example). I did the same thing on
Apache using *.map files and RewriteRule how I can do the same thing in
nginx ?
Posted at Nginx Forum:
Maybe something like this…
(config below assumes your header is “My-Header” and must have an
integer value to be recognized)
server {
# …
set $path_prefix '';
if ($http_my_header ~ (\d+)) {
set $path_prefix /$1;
location / {
# proxy_set_header calls here
proxy_pass s1_server$path_prefix;
I know “if” is evil, but I don’t know that there’s any other way to
accomplish a conditional like this.
On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 04:01:44AM -0500, zestriddle wrote:
Thanks :), but I still need one more thing to make it usable. This comparison $http_my_header ~ (\d+) must work on concrete values from file, namely
In file called header_value.file I would like to have
and comparison $http_my_header ~ (\d+) should check whether any value from header_value.file is in $http_my_header
http {
map $http_my_header $prefix {
default "";
123 /123;
abc /abc;
server {
location / {
proxy_pass http://s1$prefix$request_uri;
Thanks :), but I still need one more thing to make it usable. This
comparison $http_my_header ~ (\d+) must work on concrete values from
file, namely
In file called header_value.file I would like to have
and comparison $http_my_header ~ (\d+) should check whether any value
from header_value.file is in $http_my_header
Posted at Nginx Forum: