Redirect_back_or_default not work properly

I use rails2.3 and restful_authentication-plugin.I use the
redirect_back_or_default action like this redirect_back_or_default
(’/’) ,that is-it assumes not login now,if login directly,redirect to
homepage,if not,redirect back to the previous page.But
redirect_back_or_default action always redirects to the homepage
despite of the latter situtaion:previous page.
I know the fact that if access denys,the store_location should be
called by login-required action. But it seems does not works actually.

no one meet this problem?

Have resolved this problem.

Share the solution if you dont mind

On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 8:17 PM, daociyiyou [email protected]

Have resolved this problem.

Hemali C.
Complitech Solutions