Redcar Editor

I’m new here and I wanna make some marketing to Redcar

I have used this amazing editor for a while and I have to applaud it.
It’s an excellent free (as in speech) alternative to TextMate.
It’s made on Ruby (run on JRuby), so it has the heart of the Ruby
It has support to TextMate Themes and Snippets, it’s very cool.

And it can be better, if more people test it (actually it’s in alpha,
but I use it and got great results), and help the project
creating some plugin that implements a feature that you miss in it.

Well, that’s it folks. Regards,

Caio Fernando Bertoldi Paes de Andrade

Ok, trying now!

Em 11/04/2011, s 19:55, [email protected] escreveu:

I just tried it out, so far I like it! Im doing my development with
in VMware which is running on 3 GB RAM. Well, rather than use netbeans,
choose gedit to save some resources. But I need a light editor which has
more feature for rails project, I think redcar could help. Thanks!

On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 5:55 AM, [email protected]
[email protected]wrote:

but I use it and got great results), and help the project
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Hafiz Badrie Lubis

Installation is very very easy:

gem install redcar

$ redcar install

Let’s try it out!

Caio Fernando Bertoldi Paes de Andrade