h1 = {project=>{opp=>{Index=>{title=>Opportunities}}}}
h2 = {project=>{opp=>{Index=>{link=>Report}}}}
I need to check same key in hash and group the value to assign to the
same key of hash.
h = {project=>{opp=>{Index=>{title=>Opportunities, link=>Report}}}}
How to do that?
This is a case where recursion may be helpful.
However, based on your other posting, I think you may be trying to solve
the wrong problem.
If you’re trying to combine
into a single nested hash, then you don’t need to build separate nested
hashes and then combine them. I think it would be easier to build the
final hash up-front, as you read in each new line.
Of course, doing a deep-merge of a nested hash structure is an
interesting exercise, or homework problem