Recording remote_ip that created a record in a nested form

My application creates new records in a nested form. I want to record
the ip address that created the record (assuming it was created from
the controller in this way). How can I do this, given that
request.remote_ip is not accessible in the model?


When a user creates a new record, it should be through a request with
nested form which is then handled by a controller somewhere in your
application where you will have access to the client’s IP. You would
need to store that IP address as part of your model for later retrieval
display. Right? Or am I not understanding your question?

On Apr 1, 2:25am, Chris K. [email protected] wrote:

When a user creates a new record, it should be through a request with the
nested form which is then handled by a controller somewhere in your
application where you will have access to the client’s IP. You would then
need to store that IP address as part of your model for later retrieval /
display. Right?

But at the point that the controller gets in on the action the models
don’t exist.

In the end I realised that there was a reference to a devise user in
the record, so I could do
self.request_ip_address = self.user.last_sign_in_ip
in the before_create callback.