Recommendations on multi-view scenarios?

I’m trying to find out best practices for a multi-view scenario. Take
the classic example of ecommerce, where you might first enter address
information, then credit card information, then confirm it all and the
purchase is made.

Seems to me this has to be done with a separate scenario for each view?

The whole process would be:

Scenario: I purchase a widget by paying for it with a credit card
Given I am logged in as Sheila
And I have a widget in my cart that costs $5
When I press “Checkout”
And enter my address information
And press “OK”
And enter my credit card information
And press “OK”
And press “OK”
Then my credit card balance should be reduced by $5
And I have a completed transaction in my order history

But that seems really really wrong. So I assume it needs to be like

Scenario: I purchase a widget by entering my address information
Given I am logged in as Sheila
And I have a widget in my cart that costs $5
When I press “Checkout”
And enter complete address information
And press “OK”
Then I do not get an error message
And I am on the “credit card information” page

Scenario: I purchase a widget by entering my credit card information
Given I am logged in as Sheila
And I have a widget in my cart that costs $5
And I am on the “credit card information page”
When I enter valid credit card information
And press OK"
Then I do not get an error message
And I am on the “confirm purchase” page

Yes? No? Examples?



On 18 May 2009, at 16:02, Denis H. wrote:

Scenario: I purchase a widget by paying for it with a credit card

And I am on the “credit card information” page

Yes? No? Examples?

This is a common question. See
and also

Matt W.