I am a SW Engineer with no experience with ROR. Mostly SQL Server &
SSRS experience.
I am wondering if anyone can recommend a good training course on ROR?
I need to get proficient quickly to sell it to my Boss.
I think a good place to start are some of the text resources that are
already available. Just search for ROR on someplace like Amazon, and
out some of the more popular books. There’s even an ROR for dummies book
Seriously, one of my friend’s got turned onto the framework with that!
to start somewhere, right?
If you want to buy a book i think that “The Rails Way” (Addison-
Wesley) is a good one.
You can watch some excellent (free) video here : http://railscasts.com/
Peepcode will have too, very good ressources :http://peepcode.com/
(you’ll have to pay)
Hope it helps.
If you could wait until September, there is an awesome course held in
Colorado www.pragmaticestudio.com
or you could look at these:
one of the most popular books is Agile Web D. with RoR -
of course there is a huge amount of information out there, just do a
like the others have suggested.
On Aug 11, 12:07 pm, colin158 [email protected] wrote:
I am a SW Engineer with no experience with ROR. Mostly SQL Server &
SSRS experience.
I am wondering if anyone can recommend a good training course on ROR?
I need to get proficient quickly to sell it to my Boss.
We’ve been blogging about our transition from .NET to Rails for a
couple of years, in case you find it helpful: www.softiesonrails.com,
and a one-day class coming up in Austin, TX. As someone else already
pointed out, Pragmatic’s classes and books are also great, too.
Welcome aboard!
REST with Rails, Oct 4, 2008 in Austin, TX:
softiesonrails.com - blog
purpleworkshops.com - training
pragprog.com/titles/cerailn - Upcoming book, Rails for .NET Developers