Receiving signals in Win32/Process

Hey Guys,

I’ve created some Window’s processes uing the Win32/Process (by Daniel
Berger) library. When I send a signal to these processes using
Win32/Process.kill([1,3…9], pid), the processes are always killed.
I’ve tried trapping for the signal using both a rescue and Signal.trap()
clause with no luck.

I know that the Unix versions of the Process library allow you to
capture the signal with a rescue clause for either SignalException or
Interrupt Exceptions. Anyone know if the Win32/Process implements
similar behavior for signals or failing that if anyone has a workaround.


Only the following signals are supported.

SIGABRT Abnormal termination SIGFPE Floating-point error SIGILL
instruction SIGINT CTRL+C signal SIGSEGV Illegal storage access

  • Termination request
    You can try using the cygwin or mingw version of command line signals,
    but I
    am not sure if they solve your problem. Unlike in *nix it is better not
    use signals for process communication on windows platform. It is better
    use pipes/sockets/events.