Really silly question (my first project and such)

Hi all

My question has to do with a statement made in the database.yml file as
generated by RadRails-


There is no gem for Windows. Install from RubyForApache.


Is webrick based on the apache web server? I don’t understand this
particular aspect yet. I apologize if radrails questions aren’t
supposed to
be here, but I figured someone must know something.



Fred wrote:

Hi all

My question has to do with a statement made in the database.yml file as
generated by RadRails-


There is no gem for Windows. Install from RubyForApache.


Is webrick based on the apache web server? I don’t understand this
particular aspect yet. I apologize if radrails questions aren’t
supposed to
be here, but I figured someone must know something.



I wouldn’t worry about it. There is a problem with old mysql bindings
that didn’t work very well. And on a windows box the only way to get
the newest mysql bindings was to install that RubyForApache package.

As long as you are not running the app from Apache on windows I am
pretty sure you can ignore that comment. It’s only for windows Apache
being able to use ruby to connect mysql.

And Webrick is not based on Apache at all. It’s a lightweight server
built entirely form scratch in ruby.