Hi…I’m new to Ruby on Rails and working on product development. I need
implement chat application for all registered users.It should work like
facebook chat or gmail chat.How to develop it using rails 4? Is there
code or plug-in’s available for this task?I don’t have any idea how to
Any help will appreciate
Try this: http://www.opensourcerails.com/kandan/
Otherwise, I don’t think there is plug and play solution for your case.
need to use few gems, but the business logic is always different.
Good luck.
(also related to the other thread about websockets)
Last time I did this using two server apps: 1) a Rails app with all my
business logic, and 2) a Faye server (actually a Sinatra app) whose job
is only to do the pub/sub part. The client connects to the Faye server
and the Faye server can send messages directly to the client via
When someone writes a chat message, it goes through the Rails app, and
then the Rails app sends a message to the Faye server telling the Faye
server to publish the chat message.
This was the most effective solution I found but I’m sure there are
different architectures.
check out…
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Jason Fleetwood-Boldt
[email protected]
All material © Jason Fleetwood-Boldt 2014. Public conversations may be
turned into blog posts (original poster information will be made
anonymous). Email [email protected] with questions/concerns about
Our platform (SightCall) provides realtime services like text chat,
video/audio and data messages. We have a nice Ruby-on-Rails demo of a
group collaboration tool. You could use this as a starting point to
these functions into your own web site.
cheers - T
You can try using RabbitMq/Faye. Refer below links which might help you
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On Wed, Mar 11, 2015 at 12:32 AM, Tom S. [email protected]