(Real) Primitive Ruby Generics support

Hi all,

I have been hacking away to create a simple library that adds
generics-like qualities to ruby. At the moment you can define methods
with type-matches, defaults if no match and different number of
argument matches. Currently thinking about adding pattern-matching
support from eigenclass blog. Depends on ruby facets.

Usage examples (Tests) are at the bottom.
Any suggestions, comments, flames :wink: ?

Isaac D.
P.S. BSD licensed. (don’t know about the bit from why’s guide though…)


This file contains all you need to add generics to any ruby class :slight_smile:


class Sample

include Generics

generic_method :name, Types do



Default case

generic_method :name do




require ‘mega/inheritor’

This Object stuff from Why’s Metaprogramming guide

class Object

The hidden singleton lurks behind everyone

def metaclass; class << self; self; end; end
def meta_eval &blk; metaclass.instance_eval &blk; end

Adds methods to a metaclass

def meta_def name, &blk
meta_eval { define_method name, &blk }

Defines an instance method within a class

def class_def name, &blk
class_eval { define_method name, &blk }

End Why’s Stuff.

module Generics
class_inherit do

Get a metaclass for this class

def metaclass; class << self; self; end; end

metaprogramming code for generic_method

def generic_method(method_name, *types, &blk )
# have a class instance hash which holds the following:
# { :method_name => { type_name => block, type_name => block } }
# initialize it here…
class_eval {
# define the class generic_signatures if they don’t exist
@generic_signatures = Hash.new if not
defined?(@generic_signatures) # define the generic method’s signatures
if they don’t exist @generic_signatures[method_name] = Hash.new unless
def self.generic_signatures
return @generic_signatures

# check to see if we are the default
if types.empty?
  class_eval {
    @generic_signatures[method_name].default = blk
else # got a typelist?
  # create the type "string"
  specific_method_name = types.join("_").to_sym
  class_eval {
    @generic_signatures[method_name][specific_method_name] = blk

# define the class method that does the dispatch to
# the appropiate block.
class_def(method_name) do |*args|
  type_sig_arr = args.collect { |a| a.class }
  type_sig = type_sig_arr.join('_').to_sym



class Test
include Generics
generic_method :get, String do |arg|
puts “In String… – #{arg}”

generic_method :get, Fixnum do |arg|
puts “In Fixnum… – #{arg}”

class Test2
include Generics
generic_method :two_args, String, Fixnum do |arg1, arg2|
puts “got a String and Fixnum”
generic_method :two_args, String, String do |arg1, arg2|
puts “got two Strings”

does having a method that accepts two different numbers

of arguments work?

class TestVariable
include Generics
generic_method :test_method, String do |arg1|
puts “single argument”

generic_method :test_method, String, Fixnum do |arg1,arg2|
  puts "two arguments"


class TestDefault
include Generics

generic_method :test, String do |arg|
puts “in String!”

generic_method :test do |arg|
puts “The rest!”

Hi –

On Tue, 27 Dec 2005, Isaac D. wrote:

Hi all,

I have been hacking away to create a simple library that adds
generics-like qualities to ruby. At the moment you can define methods
with type-matches, defaults if no match and different number of
argument matches. Currently thinking about adding pattern-matching
support from eigenclass blog. Depends on ruby facets.

Usage examples (Tests) are at the bottom.
Any suggestions, comments, flames :wink: ?

Call classes classes, not types :slight_smile:

Call singleton classes singleton classes, not metaclasses or
eigenclasses :slight_smile:


David A. Black
[email protected]

“Ruby for Rails”, from Manning Publications, coming April 2006!

On Dec 27, 2005, at 4:46 AM, [email protected] wrote:

On Tue, 27 Dec 2005, Isaac D. wrote:

eigenclass blog

Call singleton classes singleton classes, not metaclasses or
eigenclasses :slight_smile:

Just to be clear, the original post wasn’t inventing terminology, it
was referring to a blog:


James Edward G. II

Isaac D. ha scritto:

Isaac D.

I think you could be intererested in the StrongTyping module

Isaac D. wrote:

I have been hacking away to create a simple library that adds
generics-like qualities to ruby. At the moment you can define methods
with type-matches, defaults if no match and different number of
argument matches.

Been there, done that:


New ideas are very welcome.

On Wed, 28 Dec 2005 23:24:01 +0900
Florian Groß [email protected] wrote:

Thanks! I’ve quickly looked at the ruby-doc for that. It’s seems to
only be able to specific “contracts” for classes, with method
signatures as a subset. What my goal for generics is to be able to
choose what code to execute based on method/class parameter types.
converting :
def foo(arg)
if arg.kind_of? String
puts “it is a string! reverse it! #{arg.reverse}”
elsif arg.kind_of? Fixnum
puts “Fixnum! double it! #{2*arg}”


generic_method :foo, String do |arg|
puts “it is a string! reverse it! #{arg.reverse}”

generic_method :foo, Fixnum do |arg|
puts “Fixnum! double it! #{2*arg}”

In the future I would like to be able to extend this to classes as
well. One implication of this we will be the ability to get rid of
“adapter” classes when joining heirachys. One example would be adding
support to reading from a String when a class can only read from a File.

generic_class :SomeClass, String do
def getline


Another wish is for pattern matching:
generic_method :foo, :a, :b :a do …
where wherever :a occurs it must be the same type so:
foo 4 “a” 4 passes
foo “a” 4 4 fails.

Looking at the rdoc some code in that could be very helpful - such as


P.S. I have an updated version which generates methods instead of
lookup + some extras. Nobody mind if I post it to the ml later(ie no

Isaac D. [email protected] wrote:

if arg.kind_of? String

generic_method :foo, Fixnum do |arg|
puts “Fixnum! double it! #{2*arg}”

That’s not generics but overloading. I’m sorry, but with these things
really important to use teminology properly otherwise you’ll likely
cause a
lot of misunderstandings.

IMHO this is a bad example because you can turn a String into a StringIO
which supports IO like behavior. If some method works on an IO instance
almost always works on a StringIO, too.

Another wish is for pattern matching:
generic_method :foo, :a, :b :a do …
where wherever :a occurs it must be the same type so:
foo 4 “a” 4 passes
foo “a” 4 4 fails.

Sounds like you wanted to reimplement some features very common with
functional languages in Ruby. Why do you do that?

P.S. I have an updated version which generates methods instead of
lookup + some extras. Nobody mind if I post it to the ml later(ie no

If you really intend to go further down that road I suggest you create a
project on rubyforge (or merge with an existing project).

I’m sorry to be so discouraging but this seems like yet another attempt
retrofit other languages’ features to Ruby instead of using it the way

Kind regards


Isaac D. wrote:

Thanks! I’ve quickly looked at the ruby-doc for that. It’s seems to
only be able to specific “contracts” for classes, with method
signatures as a subset.

Hm, actually it provides a way of using unit tests for checking types,
but will still let you do strong typing (via classes) and duck typing
(via messages).

It then defines a way of adding type annotations to methods. Where types
still means contract/class/message etc.

[…] choose what code to execute based on method/class parameter types.
[…] support to reading from a String when a class can only read from a File.
[…] Another wish is for pattern matching: […]

Looking at the rdoc some code in that could be very helpful - such as

Basically at the moment I do type annotations for methods. So you could
for example specify that you have a method that needs a Symbol and the
Contract library would make sure that an exception will be raised for
Fixnums – it would however automatically invoke .to_sym (because there
is an adaption route to Symbol for that) so Strings would work as well.

The problem with this is that all these conversions are explicit and
that you can’t define custom conversions that will just apply in the
scope of your methods or classes. It’s hard to find a good balance this
way, because too much automatic conversion can very easily cause very
surprising results.

I’ve not yet coded up multi method dispatch (which seems to be your
primary goal for now), but it would be possible. For now you would still
need to do the dispatching yourself by using ruby-contract’s methods for
checking whether your arguments match given types and then doing
whatever you want to happen.

Pattern matching is interesting as well, but I can’t think of a good
implementation right now.

If you can come up with ways of integrating the functionality that you
want in a clean way into ruby-contract then I’d be pleased to merge it.
But even if it is hard to integrate this into ruby-contract’s API feel
free to build on the functionality it already has.

I tried hard to have unit tests with high coverage so reading through
them might give you a bit more feeling of what is already there and how
it can be used.

On 12/29/05, Robert K. [email protected] wrote:

Isaac D. [email protected] wrote:

Another wish is for pattern matching:
generic_method :foo, :a, :b :a do …
where wherever :a occurs it must be the same type so:
foo 4 “a” 4 passes
foo “a” 4 4 fails.

Sounds like you wanted to reimplement some features very common with
functional languages in Ruby. Why do you do that?

Maybe this is because these features are found to be useful.

Hi –

On Thu, 29 Dec 2005, Isaac D. wrote:

New ideas are very welcome.

Thanks! I’ve quickly looked at the ruby-doc for that. It’s seems to
only be able to specific “contracts” for classes, with method
signatures as a subset. What my goal for generics is to be able to
choose what code to execute based on method/class parameter types.

Keep in mind that type != class in Ruby. I think what you’re
describing is class/module ancestry (the kind of thing you can test
with kind_of?) rather than type.

Type is, in a sense, circular: an object’s type is essentially “the
type which is the type of objects which do what this object does”.
Among other things, that means that for practical purposes objects can
be of multiple types.

The usual way for objects to identify themselves as suitable for a
given purpose is by their type – that is, by the criterion of what
messages they understand. Class membership can give you a likely
answer to this, but not a definite one. Depending on kind_of? can
also limit your ability to make objects of different classes all
converge on a particular capability. It tends to discourage thinking
in terms of type and object-centered programming possibilities,
including duck typing.

Anyway – you can of course use kind_of? all you like :slight_smile: But keep in
mind that it’s not a type-test.


David A. Black
[email protected]

“Ruby for Rails”, from Manning Publications, coming April 2006!

[email protected] wrote:

Hm, actually it provides a way of using unit tests for checking types,
but will still let you do strong typing (via classes) and duck typing
(via messages).
How about strong typing via messages? :slight_smile:

I guess I should have said static typing. Though that is not exclusive
too classes either. I guess the only right term is “class based typing”

Hi –

On Thu, 29 Dec 2005, Florian Groß wrote:

Isaac D. wrote:

Thanks! I’ve quickly looked at the ruby-doc for that. It’s seems to
only be able to specific “contracts” for classes, with method
signatures as a subset.

Hm, actually it provides a way of using unit tests for checking types, but
will still let you do strong typing (via classes) and duck typing (via

How about strong typing via messages? :slight_smile:


David A. Black
[email protected]

“Ruby for Rails”, from Manning Publications, coming April 2006!

ToRA wrote:


“Nominal/structural” typing, haven’t seen that one before. Artima
seems to have purged all their dogfights about what static/dynamic
strong/weak typing means, but you can read google caches, e.g.

Seems to me that ruby developers can agree on what strong / dynamic
typing means, but when you go out and encounter people from smalltalk,
lisp, haskell, ML, java/C#, … Also all those nice discussions
about what overloading/polymorphism means, delegation/composition,
pass by value/reference ;-{}

ToRA wrote:

Static typing means the type checking happens at “compile” time (or NOT
during the execution of the program!). You mean Nominal typing
(nominal as in name (using in this case classname)) as opposed to
structural (messages / aka duck) typing. Strong typing means that you
can’t get undefined behaviour out of the system at runtime (all ‘type
errors’ are caught, generally in this case by method missing errors
getting thrown).

Already knew about dynamic <> static and strong <> weak.

But nominal <> structural is what I was looking for in this case.

Florian Groß wrote:

[email protected] wrote:

Hm, actually it provides a way of using unit tests for checking types,
but will still let you do strong typing (via classes) and duck typing
(via messages).
How about strong typing via messages? :slight_smile:

I guess I should have said static typing. Though that is not exclusive
too classes either. I guess the only right term is “class based typing”
Static typing means the type checking happens at “compile” time (or NOT
during the execution of the program!). You mean Nominal typing
(nominal as in name (using in this case classname)) as opposed to
structural (messages / aka duck) typing. Strong typing means that you
can’t get undefined behaviour out of the system at runtime (all ‘type
errors’ are caught, generally in this case by method missing errors
getting thrown).

As another poster said, this terminology needs to be used correctly
otherwise people do get confused :slight_smile:


Florian Groß wrote:

Already knew about dynamic <> static and strong <> weak.

But nominal <> structural is what I was looking for in this case. Thanks!

I have never heard these terms used this way, but it is interesting.

Are those in common use by some group of people somewhere?


Hal F. wrote:

Already knew about dynamic <> static and strong <> weak.

But nominal <> structural is what I was looking for in this case. Thanks!
I have never heard these terms used this way, but it is interesting.

Are those in common use by some group of people somewhere?

At least the first two pairs ought to be unless I misremembered them.

Florian Groß wrote:

At least the first two pairs ought to be unless I misremembered them.

Sure, I know those. It was the nominal/structural I was
asking about.



Well I’m a uni student (with a loose interest in type-theory) and its
cropped up in some literature I’m reading. Usually under the guise of
structural sub-typing and nominal sub-typing; I recall some discussion
on Lambda-the-ultimate on whether structural subtyping == duck typing.
(Duck typing vs Structural Subtyping | Lambda the Ultimate)

Also see the wikipedia article on subtype
(Subtype - Wikipedia), certainly in published papers
in the typing area these terms come up.




Hal F. ha scritto:

Already knew about dynamic <> static and strong <> weak.

But nominal <> structural is what I was looking for in this case. Thanks!

I have never heard these terms used this way, but it is interesting.

Are those in common use by some group of people somewhere?

all the people that actually understand typing issues, it seem :slight_smile:
And with this I mean: lambda-the-ultimate.org and the people working
with languages such as ML dialects, haskell and in general functional
stuff with static checks. At least it seem to me.