Reading Ruby Books on a Kindle?

I’ve not seen one myself but most of the book reading focuses of
novels and I’m just wondering if anybody’s seen either books from
Pragmatic Programmers or Manning Publications render successfully on
the new Amazon Kindle device? Technical books comprise of nearly most
of my active reading so I’m interested just how useful this new device
is with respect to technical books and it’s no secret that there’s an
ever increasing list of Ruby / Rails books produced in electronic

I was just reading the product description on the amazon website and it
only 90,000 books are available. NINETY THOUSAND. Out of all the books
amazon has, how many of those 90,000 do you expect to be Ruby on Rails

On Dec 10, 2007 2:09 PM, Robert N. [email protected]

Ryan B.

On Dec 9, 7:39 pm, Robert N. [email protected]

I’ve not seen one myself but most of the book reading focuses of
novels and I’m just wondering if anybody’s seen either books from
Pragmatic Programmers or Manning Publications render successfully on
the new Amazon Kindle device? Technical books comprise of nearly most
of my active reading so I’m interested just how useful this new device
is with respect to technical books and it’s no secret that there’s an
ever increasing list of Ruby / Rails books produced in electronic

you can try this one:

personally , after reading that diveintomark bit, I’m not really all
that enthusiastic

Well I believe it’s possible to convert regular PDF’s to the format the
Kindle uses hence I expect a lot of the work by publishers that already
provide ebooks such as manning and pragmatic programmers to be already
available for the Kindle. I was just interested in hearing how readable
these texts are on the device as the device is mainly targeted towards
readers of non technical materials.

On Sun, 9 Dec 2007, Robert N. wrote:

I’ve not seen one myself but most of the book reading focuses of
novels and I’m just wondering if anybody’s seen either books from
Pragmatic Programmers or Manning Publications render successfully on
the new Amazon Kindle device? Technical books comprise of nearly most
of my active reading so I’m interested just how useful this new device
is with respect to technical books and it’s no secret that there’s an
ever increasing list of Ruby / Rails books produced in electronic

Ive been using the Nokia devices like the N800 to read ebooks in PDF
format. Manning, Pragmatic Programmers, Apress and Friends of Ed all
technical books including a lot of the Ruby titles.

The Linux-based N800 has a bright color 800x480 pixel screen,
built-in WiFi and Bluetooth, a web browser and lots of apps
available for it. At $240 (, its a great value compared to the
$350 and limited functionality of the Amazon Kindle. I have a 4Gb miniSD
card on which I can carry all the books and docs that I need.,n800

On 12/9/07, Robert N. [email protected] wrote:

Well I believe it’s possible to convert regular PDF’s to the format the
Kindle uses hence I expect a lot of the work by publishers that already
provide ebooks such as manning and pragmatic programmers to be already
available for the Kindle. I was just interested in hearing how readable
these texts are on the device as the device is mainly targeted towards
readers of non technical materials.

Another concern is that you might not be able to get anything on the
kindle depending on where you live:

There are sizable areas of the US which don’t have the necessary evdo
coverage Most are sparsely populated, but if you happen
to live there…

Rick DeNatale

My blog on Ruby