Brian C. [email protected] wrote:
Are you in irb, or running code in a .rb file? Are you using “puts” or
are you looking at the string values as returned by irb, after the =>
In either case, show your actual code. Beware that things behave
strangely in irb with 1.9.
first, thanks for your reply )))
i’m not using irb rather an rb file kaunched from Terminal
here is the code (ruby 1.9) :
#! /usr/local/bin/macruby
encoding: utf-8
SIGNATURES_FILE = “/Users/yt/dev/Signature/signatures.txt”
open(SIGNATURES_FILE, “r:UTF-8”) do |file|
p file.internal_encoding
file.each do |line|
p [, line]
open(SIGNATURES_FILE) do |file|
p file.internal_encoding
file.each do |line|
p [, line]
resulting in :
zsh-% ./essai_macruby.rb
[“US-ASCII”, “-- \n”]
[“US-ASCII”, “« Un banquier est toujours en liberté provisoire » \n”]
[“US-ASCII”, “(Henri Poincaré )\n”]
[“US-ASCII”, “la minute de vérité risque de se faire longtemps
attendre. » \n”]
[“US-ASCII”, “(Pierre Dac)\n”]
[“US-ASCII”, “-- \n”]
[“US-ASCII”, “« Un banquier est toujours en liberté provisoire » \n”]
[“US-ASCII”, “(Henri Poincaré )\n”]
[“US-ASCII”, “la minute de vérité risque de se faire longtemps
attendre. » \n”]
[“US-ASCII”, “(Pierre Dac)\n”]
then, both methods (with and without “r:UTF-8”) see the file as being of
US-ASCII although they are really UTF-8 encoded.
now the “equivalent” test using ruby 1.8.* :
#! /usr/bin/env ruby
SIGNATURES_FILE = “/Users/yt/dev/Signature/signatures.txt”
open(SIGNATURES_FILE) do |file|
file.each do |line|
puts line
run from Term :
zsh-% ./essai.rb
« Un banquier est toujours en liberté provisoire »
(Henri Poincaré )
« Pour ceux qui vont chercher midi à quatorze heures,
la minute de vérité risque de se faire longtemps attendre. »
(Pierre Dac)
accentuated chars are correct now, notice i have to use “puts” instead
of “p” to get the chars otherwise i got the unicode code as