Reading a line by line from local text file through WATIR

I need to process a web page by insert the value in a local text file
line by line each time.

for example, in the code below:

require ‘watir’

1.upto(10) do |num|

ie = Watir::IE.start(“http://www.test.php”)

ie.text_field(:name, “info”).set(“a_line_from_C:\text.txt”)

ie.button(:value, “Submit”).click


I need to make the WATIR code read each line in C:\text.txt file one by
one 10 times. Could anyone tell me how I should adjust the code above
so that this WATIR code read each line in C:\text.txt file one by one
ten times, and process each time with the value in each line in the
text file??


curious wrote:

I need to make the WATIR code read each line in C:\text.txt file one by
one 10 times. Could anyone tell me how I should adjust the code above
so that this WATIR code read each line in C:\text.txt file one by one
ten times, and process each time with the value in each line in the
text file??

Watir has very little to with it, you’ve already got the code to
populate the textbox and click the “Submit” button. The question is how
do you open a file and read each line. The following should do it.

file =“c:/text.txt”, “r”)
lines = file.readlines()

#-- make 10-passes thru this loop
1.upto(10) {

#-- process each element in the array
0.upto(lines.length - 1) {|j|
ie.text_field(:name, “info”).set(lines[j])
ie.button(:value, “Submit”).click

