Hi Friends,
I try to check the Multiple Checkboxes in the page.
first i read the value in the text file and assing it to the variable.
but the problem is that at the time only one check box are selected.
textfile values:
HTML Code:
RUBY Script:
require ‘watir’
include Watir
require ‘logger’
opts = {}
File.open(“c:/test/Flow1.txt”) do |f|
f.each_line do |line|
opts[$1] = $2 if line =~ /^(.)=(.)$/
@check_location = opts[“selectedLocationOids”]
@check_location1 = opts[“selectedLocationOids”]
KingMaker KingMaker wrote:
Hi Friends,
I try to check the Multiple Checkboxes in the page.
first i read the value in the text file and assing it to the variable.
but the problem is that at the time only one check box are selected.
textfile values:
In the example that you provided it seems that value of @check_location
is equal to the value of @check_location1. Shouldn’t they be different?
On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 8:05 AM, KingMaker KingMaker
[email protected]wrote:
In addition to what Marcin said:
*Your html can’t have two elements with the same ID (ID’s must be
like a social security number)
*Your inputs should end with /> instead of just > to close the tag.
*Since they are checkboxes, they should also have different names. The
is what determines the name of the key that the server receives, so when
have two inputs whose names are selectedLocationOids, then clicking both
causes one to be overwritten.
To illustrate, when I submit your form, my server receives:
Submitting with neither box checked
Parameters: {“commit”=>“Create”,
Submitting with the first box checked
Parameters: {“commit”=>“Create”,
Submitting with the second box checked
Parameters: {“commit”=>“Create”,
Submitting with both boxes checked
Parameters: {“commit”=>“Create”,
You can see that that even with both boxes checked, only receive one
because they both have the same name. It might help you to read up on
hash tables work (Hash table - Wikipedia)
- I’m on a Mac, so I can’t check your example, but I’m not sure what
is. It looks like a variable ,but could be a method. If it is a method,
don’t see anything like it for Firefox, and their examples do not seem
behave the way you have used it (Redirecting…) If it is a
variable, then where was it initialized? It looks like you need to say
ie =