Hello G.s
I’m new in Ruby and now I’m trying to type my first app
now i have SVG file contain rows such as
First label
Second label
now when i want to get the labels form the file
i was used non professional way to get them
buy using this code
@[email protected]_s # convert to string
@[email protected](’<text’)[1…-1] # convert to array and remove first
so now if i want to get the full data to every element such as
name= First label
stroke =#000000
how i can get the child data in the svg file with professional code
i don’t like the way to remove html tags to get the data ???
You’re starting out on the right track, using Nokogiri. You don’t need
to use string manipulation, though, because SVG is just XML inside, so
you can interrogate the actual data structure in Noko using either xpath
or css syntax. Have a quick read through the Nokogiri documentation at http://nokogiri.org or google the topic.