Read cookies in application_helper.rb?

Hi there,

I am trying to write a simple function that checks if a user is logged
in based on a cookie value.

def isLoggedIn()

	if cookies[:userid] != ""
		isLoggedIn = true
		isLoggedIn = false


however, when I call this function from my application-wide view, I get
the following error:

undefined local variable or method `cookies’ for

Can anyone help me understand how I can access my cookies from anywhere
other than an action in a controller?



[email protected] wrote:

Hi there,

I am trying to write a simple function that checks if a user is logged
in based on a cookie value.

def isLoggedIn()

  if cookies[:userid] != ""
  	isLoggedIn = true
  	isLoggedIn = false


however, when I call this function from my application-wide view, I get
the following error:

undefined local variable or method `cookies’ for

Can anyone help me understand how I can access my cookies from anywhere
other than an action in a controller?



What you are wanting is to use the session hash. So something like
session[:blah] . This way the cookie is only a pointer to the session.
Never trust storing important data in a cookie since it can be modified.

Do a bit of reading up on the session hash.

But how long is a session active for in Rails? Is ASP it’s good for 20

I don’t want the user to have to log in every time they come to the
site. So I wouldn’t think a session variable is the way to go.

Let’s table the discussion of cookie vs session. Where am I allowed to
read cookies and why?


[email protected] wrote:


however, when I call this function from my application-wide view, I get
the following error:

undefined local variable or method `cookies’ for

Can anyone help me understand how I can access my cookies from anywhere
other than an action in a controller?

Add to your ApplicationController class (in application.rb)

  helper_method :cookies

We develop, watch us RoR, in numbers too big to ignore.

Why not just do something like this

def isLoggedIn()

cookies[:userid] ? true : false


On Nov 7, 1:23 pm, “[email protected]

Awesome! This worked like a charm. Thank you.

Now, I have another problem. My function is always returning true.
Even if I change it and force it return something else. For example:

def isLoggedIn()

	isLoggedIn = "bob"


so when I do this:

<%= isLoggedIn %>

I am seeing: true

How do I get my function to actually return “bob”


To make it easier for your to read try this

def isLoggedIn()

return true unless cookies[:userid].nil?
return false


that should return true only if the cookie[:userid] value is set.

then in your view just do <% if isLoggedIn() %>

you dont need <% if isLoggedIn() == true %> since isLoggedIn() is by
nature either true or false.

I don’t understand that syntax at all? Question mark? colon?

Also, when I try to call a function in my view <% if isLoggedIn() ==
true %> I receive an “undefined method” error.


On 11/7/06, Dr J [email protected] wrote:

[email protected] wrote:

Add to your ApplicationController class (in application.rb)

  helper_method :cookies

We develop, watch us RoR, in numbers too big to ignore.

Comic Geek S.
Uniting the world’s mightiest heroes, one listener at a time.


the tertiary operator ( ? : ) is just a more succinct way of doing an
if … then … else statement

On 11/7/06, Comic Geek S. [email protected] wrote:

I don’t understand that syntax at all? Question mark? colon?

It’s called a ternary operator. The expression before the ? is
evaluated, and if true whatever is between the ? and : is returned.
If the expression before ? is false, then whatever is after the : is


my mistake, you are right. its the “ternary” not the “tertiary”
operator. don’t know what i was thinking of. haha