Re: Why is there a seperate Math class?

From: Ilmari H. [mailto:[email protected]]

On 1/9/07, Phrogz [email protected] wrote:

In addition to the answers by others, what would you do for those
functions whose arity isn’t 1?

Math.methods(false).select{ |n| Math.method(n).arity != 1 }
#=> [“hypot”, “atan2”, “ldexp”]

All three take two arguments. While 3.hypot(4) might make
sense–given one leg of a right triangle, how long is the hypotenuse
a given other leg–30.atan2( 40 ) makes little sense to me.

hypot and atan are vector methods, so [30, 40].atan2, [3,4].hypot
would be correct in the OO-sense, much like #max and #min are in Array
and not Math (compare to e.g. JavaScript where there is Math.max and

Good argument. In fact, one of them is there already:
require ‘matrix’
Vector[3,4].r #=> 5.0

Good argument. In fact, one of them is there already:
require ‘matrix’
Vector[3,4].r #=> 5.0

Gavin -

Just wanted to point out to you that each of your replies is creating a
new thread. You might want to reply with the same subject to avoid this.
Just thought you’d like to know.
