Re: Weird error now - RJS not working

try {
new Insertion.Bottom(“canskills”, "

\n <td td
align=“LEFT”>Guitarist\n <td td align=“LEFT”>Advanced\n 5 + years\n 4+ years ago\n\n\n\n\n"); Form.reset("canskill-form"); } catch (e) { alert('RJS error:\n\n' + e.toString()); alert('new Insertion.Bottom(\"canskills\", \"\n Guitarist\n Advanced\n 5 + years\n 4+ years ago\n\n\n\n\n\");\nForm.reset(\"canskill-form\");'); throw e }

And the problem is?

On 11/2/06, Jason R. [email protected] wrote:

And the problem is?

That’s what I"m trying to figure out. Is my question to vague ? I
it’s getting closer.


On 11/2/06, Dark A. [email protected] wrote:

On 11/2/06, Dark A. [email protected] wrote:

#this starts the table with the inputted information ................................... def create \n \n\n\n\n\n"); Reading more perhaps this is not an error as much as it's showing me the

One thing is that when I hit submit, and the rjs text message appears
back at a different URL.

the form and table sits at /id/candidates/canskills/new
yet after submit, the rjs quotes above appears at


1 year ago

Still not sure what I’m missing here. I’ve done some reading up with
RJS Templates book.
Here is what I’m trying to do.

I have a page, on the bottom portion is a form, on the top is a table.
makes entry into form,hits submit table gets another row.
I’ll probably add an additonal button at some point to exit the screen.

This is the form (at least the important part -

#this starts the table with the inputted information <%= render :partial => 'canskills/canskill' ,:collection => @ candidate.canskills %>
Skill Skill level Experience Last use
Now the form itself : <% remote_form_for :canskill, :url => canskill_url, :html => { :id => 'canskill-form' }, :candidate_id => @candidate_id do |form| %> #various fields................ ................................... ................................... %= submit_tag "add skill" %>

I have a create.rjs to accompany the controller action create.
rjs :
page.insert_html :bottom, ‘canskills’, :partial => ‘canskill’
page.form.reset ‘canskill-form’

Then the controller action:
pretty simple:

def create
@canskill =[:canskill])
@candidate_id = params[:candidate_id]

However on submit all I get currently is this rjs error page -

try {
new Insertion.Bottom(“canskills”, "\n<div id="new-canskill">\n

Internet engineer\n Intermediate\n 3 - 4 years\n 1 year ago\n \n\n\n\n\n"); Form.reset("canskill-form"); } catch (e) { alert('RJS error:\n\n' + e.toString()); alert('new Insertion.Bottom(\"canskills\", \"\n
\n Internet engineer\n Intermediate\n 3 - 4 years\n 1 year ago\n
\n\n\n\n\n\");\nForm.reset (\"canskill-form\");'); throw e }

I gather it’s telling me to try something , ? not sure.
Can really use some help / pointers, guidance.


On 11/2/06, Dark A. <[email protected] > wrote:


Dark ambient - Wikipedia

Bump . sorry still stuck on this and hopefully someone can help.
I’m wondering if my rest based controller is the problem.
I don’t think the URL should be changing.

On 11/3/06, Dark A. [email protected] wrote:

User makes entry into form,hits submit table gets another row.
Now the form itself :
page.form.reset ‘canskill-form’

Insertion.Bottom("canskills", "\n<div id=\“new-canskill\”>\n <td td align=\“LEFT\”>
One thing is that when I hit submit, and the rjs text message appears I’m
back at a different URL.

the form and table sits at /id/candidates/canskills/new
yet after submit, the rjs quotes above appears at /id/candidate/canskills


On Nov 3, 2006, at 4:58 AM, Dark A. wrote:

Bump . sorry still stuck on this and hopefully someone can help.
I’m wondering if my rest based controller is the problem.
I don’t think the URL should be changing.

Hey Stuart-

The reason you are having trouble is because you cannot replace

normal table rows with ajax. You have to wrap each row in a tbody and
use that to replace the rows:

With your table, ensure that you have the proper

tag around
all elements. Have the links within each of the TR’s that should
display the info below have an id like so
link for info with id... link for info with id...
link for info with id... link for info with id...

And you should be able to use RJS like so…

page.insert_html :bottom, params[:row], render(:partial =>


– Ezra Z.
– Lead Rails Evangelist
[email protected]
– Engine Y., Serious Rails Hosting
– (866) 518-YARD (9273)

On 11/3/06, Ezra Z. [email protected] wrote:

Hey Stuart-

    The reason you are having trouble is because you cannot replace

normal table rows with ajax. You have to wrap each row in a tbody and
use that to replace the rows:

With your table, ensure that you have the proper tag around
all elements. Have the links within each of the TR’s that should
display the info below have an id like so

Links being what, the generate data ? and which id’s are you speaking


> > > page.insert_html :bottom, params[:row], render(:partial => > > > > > >

link for info with id...

Sorry Stuart, I just pasted an example of the table and I forgot to
remove that part about links, you can ignore that. The important bit
is to use tags to wrap each tr row. You put an id on the
tbody’s and then replace a whole tbody with a new tr in it to replace
a table row. You cannot replace tr tags directly.

So here is an example table in a template that I use to replace

table rows with ajax. This is just an example to get your started.\


<% for app in @apps %>

	<td><span style='float: right;'><%= link_to image_tag

(‘pencil_go.png’), edit_app_path(app) %>
<%= link_to image_tag(‘cross.png’), app_path(app), :confirm => ‘Are
you sure?’, :method => :delete %>

<% end %>

Name Svn url Actions
<%= link_to, app_path(app) %> <%= truncate(app.svn_url) %>
<%= link_to image_tag('/images/buttons/new.gif'), new_app_path %>

the iimportant part is to make a unique id on each tag . and
then when you replace a row with ajax, you replace the entire tbody.
So in an rjs response you send back something like thisL

 <tbody id='<%= app.dom_id %>'>
	<td><%= link_to, app_path(app) %></td>
	<td><%= truncate(app.svn_url) %></td>

	<td><span style='float: right;'><%= link_to image_tag

(‘pencil_go.png’), edit_app_path(app) %>
<%= link_to image_tag(‘cross.png’), app_path(app), :confirm => ‘Are
you sure?’, :method => :delete %>

Hope that helps.


On Nov 3, 2006, at 11:27 AM, Dark A. wrote:


Dark ambient - Wikipedia

– Ezra Z.
– Lead Rails Evangelist
[email protected]
– Engine Y., Serious Rails Hosting
– (866) 518-YARD (9273)