Hi Nick,
I got past my original problem but have stumbled accross something else.
I have ActiveRecord-jdbcmysql-adapter installed.
I have rails 2.1
I followed this little tutorial:
And created a test website. (I am using jruby 1.1.2 atm)
jruby -S rails -d mysql test
The yml file that’s created has entries like :
adapter: mysql
encoding: utf8
database: test_development
username: root
host: localhost
so I changed it to reflect what I’ve been told:
adapter: jdbcmysql
encoding: utf8
database: test_development
username: root
I do a jruby -S rake db:create:all and my dbs are created.
I do a jruby -S rake db:drop:all and I don’t get any error messages, so
it appears like the command succeeded but when I goto mysql I still see
my databases.
It’s almost like … if there is an error or exception… it’s getting
consumed and rake thinks all is good. but it isn’t. Is there any way
to turn any type of logging on in the Active record adapter at teh java
level? (my rails log file has nothing added to it when I do a rake
even wierder… if I do a jruby -S rake db:drop… it works as
expected… the test_development db got dropped.
In addition to trying to figure this out… I’m also (on a separate
machine) trying to get rcov4jr working and I see a similar oddity where
when we run RCov(with the java ext) on a rails unit test … the unit
test reports it’s successes and failures however no rcov results get
generated… again it’s almost like there is an error somewhere that’s
being consumed.
But let’s focus on the db:drop:all stuff for now. Has anyone else seen
this behavior?