You can use env to get the value of $STAT from ruby. Please forgive me
if I miss some details here but…
Try this:
puts ENV[“STAT”]
That should print the value of the env variable named STAT. I am not
sure how changes to the var by a script called by the ruby prog are
reflected in the current env hash - check the docs there may be an
env.reload method.
Jamie McLaughlin
Office: 703-292-6307
Mobile: 571-263-2528
----- Original Message -----
From: [email protected] [email protected]
To: ruby-talk ML [email protected]
Sent: Fri Jun 06 18:51:40 2008
Subject: Trying to get a value from cshell script inside ruby
I am trying to run the c shell script inside ruby script.
Looks something like this:
csh_script =“test_csh”), w)
csh_script.puts(" ls -l | wc -l") #some command here
csh_script.puts(“$STAT = $?”)
#then call smth like this in order to execute the script
What I am trying to get is the value of the $STAT to get passed in to
the ruby script and assigned to some variable
I would appreciate any help
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