Thanks, How do I go about sending the code changes I made? I would like
to submit a small changes first and get the feedback and then I can go
full blown development. I just finished 10 functions that passed my full
----- Original Message ----
From: John L. (IRONRUBY) [email protected]
To: “[email protected]” [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, May 8, 2008 11:18:22 AM
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] TDD in coding!
Unnikrishnan N.:
Are we developing the code in TDD style with CI? Currently all the
methods I have added, I have a seperate ruby code which runs test
against to verify my results. I would like to know are we adding the
tests build into the code itself? Sorry, I didn’t see the test cases,
thats why I asked.
Thanks to the awesome work by the rubinius team, if you’re working on
the libraries, you’re effectively working test-first.
The tests live in tests\specs\core* today. When Jim finishes his work
on getting the rubinius specs running they’ll move somewhere else.