I think you understand my question. The answers range in complexity from
using partials, as you suggest (that’s what I’m doing now), to using an
Abstract Factory to choose the correct Strategy in the various places in
application it’s needed.
The Abstract Factory would be the ideal solution, since it would
all the various views, rather than scattering them in various view
However, at this stage, there are actually only a few partials for each
of dealer. So after due consideration, I think the partial approach,
plus a
few notes that will remind me what partials need to be created for each
dealer, will do for now. If it gets too hairy to manage this way in the
future, I can always refactor.
Thanks for confirming that I’m on the right track.
Brgds: John
I didn’t meant to be dismissive at first. Really, my original post
was a strategy of sorts, just one that relied on the class of the
dealer. It’s more interesting than that so I’ve not been able to get
it out of my mind this afternoon. I can think of three ways you might
handle this:
In Rails 2.x you can use the new map.namespace … method to namespace
your paths. By doing that you could have a dealer_car_path, etc.
What I believe you could do is namespace those controllers that need
their own views while leaving the generic ones in the ‘default’
namespace. The namespaced controllers could then be restricted to use
controllers in their namespace and the default namespace. In a sense,
the namespacing provides your strategy and you only have to pick the
correct namespace on the dealer’s landing page. As a bonus, all the
namespaced views/controllers would end up in a common subfolder (ie.,
everything in the ‘car’ namespace in the app/views/cars/xxx folders).
View helpers
It seems that the natural way to introduce the strategy methods would
be by mixing in a module. Views already have modules mixed in…
that’s what the helpers are all about. What I believe you could do
here is render a default view (show.html.erb) and allow that view to
invoke a helper method. The key would be to only include the
appropriate helper method. What I’d suggest would be to keep these
helpers in that were related to the controller name but not directly
named after it. A ListingsController, for example, might get
auto_listing_helper.rb and boat_listing_helper.rb. You’d use a before
filter that would include a call like
helper “#{strategey}_listing”
The helpers could then be responsible for injecting the appropriate
- Controller helpers
This is a variant on 2. This time you’d write modules that
encapsulated the strategy for dealing with a particular type of dealer
for each controller. Then you would use a before filter to inject the
controller methods into the controller.
def choose_strategy
self.class.include( --pick your strategy module-- )
It’s possible that the action may need to be part of the controller
before the before_filter fires, so you might need to have the show
method (e.g.,) delegate it’s response to the mixed-in functionality
rather than implementing it fully in the module. The main advantage
that you’d gain here would be the ability to do different data lookups
if necessary. You’d also have a fairly clean way of deciding what
partials to include in your view since you could pass that to the view
through instance variables.