Re: str1 = str2 is not a copy?!?


WHY is var line getting changed by operations on var base_name? Isn’t
‘base_name = line’ supposed to create a copy? ‘=’ in this
case seems to be acting like an alias or something.

Variables point to objects, they do not “hold” or “contain” them.

What you are suggesting is that:
me =
would create a new Person object, and then duplicate it before assigning
to ‘me’, or that:
my_really_long_array_name = [ 1, 2, 3 ]
short_name = my_really_long_array_name
would result in two different copies of the array.

That’s the opposite of how it works :slight_smile:

On 11/2/06, Gavin K. [email protected] wrote:

me =
would create a new Person object, and then duplicate it before assigning
to ‘me’, or that:
my_really_long_array_name = [ 1, 2, 3 ]
short_name = my_really_long_array_name
would result in two different copies of the array.

That’s the opposite of how it works :slight_smile:

But is oddly enough almost exactly how it works in PHP. And thus one of
major battles PHP has had between versions has been about the semantices
reference, and pass/call by reference. I’m GLAD Ruby functions this
way, as
it removes a lot of complexity dealing with references.