Re: sprintf

irb(main):004:0> sprintf("%2s", “lalaa”)
=> “lalaa”
irb(main):005:0> sprintf("%2i", 1212)
=> “1212”

ruby 1.8.3 (2005-09-21) [i686-linux]

What s my mistake?

Reading comprehension? =)


You can’t do the equivalent for a number (as the precision setting for a
number specifies decimal places).
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irb(main):004:0> sprintf("%2s", “lalaa”)
=> “lalaa”
irb(main):005:0> sprintf("%2i", 1212)
=> “1212”

What s my mistake?

Daniel S. wrote:


u can’t do the equivalent for a number (as the precision setting for a
number specifies decimal places).

You can do the equivalent for a number two ways that I can think of:

sprintf("%i", 1212 % 10**2) #=> “12” # modular arithmetic to truncate
sprintf("%.2s", 1212) #=> “12” # cast integer to string

Also, I usually like using String#% instead of sprintf, just in case
not familiar with it:

“%.2s” % 1212 #=> “12”


Also, I usually like using String#% instead of sprintf, just in case you’re
not familiar with it:

“%.2s” % 1212 #=> “12”

i wasnt familiar with it, quite impressive!

So long

Michael ‘entropie’ Trommer;

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