Re: Setting precision in Ruby-GSL calculations?

Dear Ed, dear Yoshiki,

thanks for your replies… I am now able to reproduce your results in
(eliminating some typos),

and I’ve learnt that there are some conflicting definitions of singular
decompositions, which lead to part of my difficulties:

Ruby-Gsl defines these as M= U S V^tr,
where U can have uneven dimensions, but many authors require U to
be square (and softwares, eg. Mathematica) - then it has the dimensions
of the image space of the linear mapping M defines … this definition
it easier to calculate pseudo-inverses, as it doesn’t lead to dimension
in multiplication…

I still don’t know why I don’t get singular values to higher precision

does one have to convert to Float or something ?

Thank you for your time,

Best reagrds,
