Re: ruby-ldap on Windows (built)

Ian M. wrote last Friday, April 21, 2006 3:47 AM:

I worked with Chris S. to fix the issues on Windows and

am pleased

to say that the result is the release of version 0.9.5, the first

version known to work on Windows since I took over maintenance of the


If anyone experiences any problems with this version, please let me

know. It should just work out of the box.

thanks for the package but do you have any compiled for windows
that i can use immediately? (sorry but i do not compile on windows)

it would be nice too if you can provide more examples in using
ruby/ldap. Eg, in win active dir, how do i query the attributes of user

kind regards -botp

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See: Ruby-ldap on Windows (built) - Ruby - Ruby-Forum