Re: ruby-a-day: admin tip: sharing files/folder

arrggh, pls ignore!
was trying it send it to a local ruby group.

very sorry for the noise.

-----Original Message-----

From: Peña, Botp

Sent: Monday, August 07, 2006 8:34 PM

To: ‘[email protected]

Subject: ruby-a-day: admin tip: sharing files/folder


many times, we share files across different platforms (unix,

windows, mac) and accross the net. no probs; w just ruby, you

can publish your folder in a few seconds. try it like this,

1 go to the folder you want to publish

2 run the ff ruby script:


require ‘webrick’


:Port => port,

:DocumentRoot => Dir::pwd,

:BindAddress => ‘’,

:Logger =>,nil)


trap “INT” do server.shutdown end



this will publish your current folders/file(Dir::pwd) at a

random port (60000-62000). Press ctrl-c to stop your mini web server.

To access your file/folder, just use any browser or wget…

happy rubying,
