Re: RESOLVED: Overloading error_message_on method in ActiveR

Leaving the body of the method the same as the default still throws
the “stack level too deep” error. As a matter of fact, it only
disappears if I comment out the ‘require’ in line 1.

As it turned out, it was the method definiton itself that caused
problems. Ruby doesn’t have keyword arguments, but I tried calling the
method as if it had. But when I changed the definiton to one with a
hash that simulates keywords, it works just fine:

module ActionView
module Helpers
module ActiveRecordHelper
def error_message_on(object, method, params = nil)
if params.class == Hash
prepend_text = params[:prepend_text] || “”
append_text = params[:append_text] || “”
css_class = params[:css_class] || “formError”
span = params[:span] || false
if errors =
content_tag(span ? “span” : “div”,
“#{prepend_text}#{errors.is_a?(Array) ? errors.first :
errors}#{append_text}”, :class => css_class)

I don’t know if this is the proper way to do it, but it seems to work.
Now I can use
<%= error_message_on(‘user’, ‘first_name’, :span => true) %>
in my templates when I want my error messages in a instead of in

