Re: removing spaces between single characters with regual ex

From: ciapecki [mailto:[email protected]]

‘A B C’ → ‘ABC’
‘AB C’ → ‘AB C’ (no change)
‘Teddy Bear A B’ → ‘Teddy Bear AB’

irb(main):005:0> s = ‘A long cat and a quick mouse met o j simpson on
the t c p stack’
=> “A long cat and a quick mouse met o j simpson on the t c p stack”

irb(main):006:0> s.gsub( /\b([a-z]) (?=[a-z]\b)/i, ‘\1’ )
=> “A long cat and a quick mouse met oj simpson on the tcp stack”

Thanks Gavin for your solution

irb(main):005:0> s = ‘A long cat and a quick mouse met o j simpson on
the t c p stack’
=> “A long cat and a quick mouse met o j simpson on the t c p stack”

irb(main):006:0> s.gsub( /\b([a-z]) (?=[a-z]\b)/i, ‘\1’ )
=> “A long cat and a quick mouse met oj simpson on the tcp stack”

this is exactly what I need.
Is it possible to rewrite it without using lookahead (?=subexp) ?


irb(main):006:0> s.gsub( /\b([a-z]) (?=[a-z]\b)/i, ‘\1’ )
=> “A long cat and a quick mouse met oj simpson on the tcp stack”

what about to add some additional characters like ‘&’ to work as
to make following possible:
“a b & c de” => “ab&c de”
