I can’t get the output to the fm_tx_2_daughterbaords.py example to work.
I am testing with 2 complex signals and on each signal, the I channel is
a sinusoid and the Q channel is a sinusoid of a different frequency. I
have connected each of the 4 SMA connectors from the 2 Basic TX
daughterboards to a different channel on an oscope. I expect to see a
sinusoid on each channel but that is not the case. I see some weird
waveform on the different channels on the oscope. Originally I didn’t
think the TX mux was set correct because the comments at the beginning
of the example says that it transmits SSB (USB) and that is not what I’m
looking for. I want each of the 4 different waveforms (2 sines on the
I’s and 2 sines on the Q’s, all with different frequencies) to come out
of the 4 SMA connectors. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
----- Original Message -----
From: Eric B. [email protected]
Date: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 9:45 pm
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Question about Basic TX/RX boards, the
I, Q