Re: Preferable Pairs (#165)

This sounds a lot like the Stable Marriage Problem.

----- Original Message ----
From: Matthew M. [email protected]
To: ruby-talk ML [email protected]
Sent: Friday, June 6, 2008 12:43:43 PM
Subject: [QUIZ] Preferable Pairs (#165)


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    Suggestion: A [QUIZ] in the subject of emails about the problem
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Preferable Pairs (#156)

Imagine a pairs tournament: a competition where every player partners up
with another for the duration of the tournament. Everyone plays in a
and wins or loses in a pair.

But everyone arrives individually, and only pairs up at the start. Every
player has preferences for a partner; your task is to try and optimize
preferences as best as possible.

The input is a series of lines containing names, such as:

David: Helen Vicki Joseph
Helen: David Vicki Joseph
Joseph: Vicki Helen David
Vicki: David Helen Joseph

Each line represents the preferences of the first named player (i.e.
the colon). That player’s preferred parters are listed after the colon,
order of preference (i.e. most preferred first, least preferred last).

The output of your code should be the pairings, one pair per line. For
example above, your output should look like this:

David Helen
Joseph Vicki

If an odd number of people were provided at the start, then one person
be left out. That person’s name should be output alone on the last line.

What determines the best pairing? A score will be calculated for your
against the input. For each player, the partner is found in the player’s
ordered list, as an index. So, for the above example:

David: 0
Helen: 0
Joseph: 0
Vicki: 2

Each individual’s score is then squared, then all are added together.
the final score is 4. The lower your score, the better the match.