Re: PCI Express SDR Cards and GNU Radio

On Wed. Jul 4, 2012 Tom R. wrote

I only know of the Per Vices product but have not gotten my hands on
it. But I’m really happy that they have produced their own GNU Radio
interface for it already.

My biggest question is if it’s well-shielded enough for the noisy RF
environment inside a computer chassis.


HA HA HA - this article came out the following day. It has a photo of
both the Per Vices card and the person who wrote the above comment !

How software-defined radio could revolutionize wireless | Ars Technica

Best Regards


It has a photo of both

Well, two separate photos, if one wanted to be technical :wink:


Nice pic Tom! FTA:

It could only capture a narrow slice of spectrum: 100 kHz at most. That was
enough for Law and Order reruns…

How does that work :slight_smile:


Great work!
Connecting any RX/TX to the computer PCI “smells problems…”

I wouldn’t cosider this option,
----- Original Message -----
From: ikjtel
To: [email protected]
Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2012 16:12
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] PCI Express SDR Cards and GNU Radio

On Wed. Jul 4, 2012 Tom R. wrote

I only know of the Per Vices product but have not gotten my hands on
it. But I’m really happy that they have produced their own GNU Radio
interface for it already.

My biggest question is if it’s well-shielded enough for the noisy RF
environment inside a computer chassis.


HA HA HA - this article came out the following day. It has a photo of
both the Per Vices card and the person who wrote the above comment !

Best Regards


On 07/07/12 18:49, Patrik T. wrote:

Great work!
Connecting any RX/TX to the computer PCI “smells problems…”
I wouldn’t cosider this option,

A few points:

  • I have a PCI DVB card, works great for recording TV. The RF section
    is shielded inside a can.
  • Winradio internal cards has been around for many years, although I
    see they do USB units now as well
  • These guys surely wouldn’t have got to the point of putting these
    things on sale if they were unusable due to RFI from inside the PC?
    Although I note they say on the product page “This hardware is sold
    on an as-is basis without warranty”, which doesn’t exactly inspire
    confidence in the product.


Hi Alexd,

I bet it works!

----- Original Message -----
From: Alex DEKKER
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2012 13:26
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] PCI Express SDR Cards and GNU Radio

On 07/07/12 18:49, Patrik T. wrote:
Great work!
Connecting any RX/TX to the computer PCI “smells problems…”

I wouldn't cosider this option,

A few points:

a.. I have a PCI DVB card, works great for recording TV. The RF 

section is shielded inside a can.
b… Winradio internal cards has been around for many years, although
I see they do USB units now as well
c… These guys surely wouldn’t have got to the point of putting
these things on sale if they were unusable due to RFI from inside the
PC? Although I note they say on the product page “This hardware is sold
on an as-is basis without warranty”, which doesn’t exactly inspire
confidence in the product.