Re: Page Versioning

Hi All,

Andrew, I’d be really interested in seeing what you come up with for
either WebDAV or FUSE. This would totally solve two of my main pain
points with Radiant - editing templates in Textmate not the browser,
and moving changes from staging on localhost to the live server. If
it plays nicely with svn or another versioning program that would be
icing on the cake!

Please keep us informed :smiley:

peace - oli

Just a warning: I’m probably not going to be able to get any real work
done for a couple of days. Sounds like a couple of people are
interested in this though, so I figure I’ll lay out what I’ve come up
with so far just doing preliminary investigation:

  1. I think WebDAV is the way to go, for reasons outlined above. I
    love the idea of FUSE, but I have reservations.

  2. The WebDAV server should run as a separate process so that neither
    it nor Radiant will block the other one.

  3. I’m not sure how much caching can be done in this situation (or how
    hard it will be to control expiry), so I’d like to be as
    multi-threaded as possible. Also, since this isn’t going to use
    Javascript or any view functionality, I think I’d rather use a more
    minimal framework than Rails. I’m thinking Merb (with Radiant’s

I’d considered Camping, but Camping is for fun stuff – not serious
work! (Just kidding – it’s really because it can be a little hard to
follow unless you have a PhD in metaprogrammology).

Ok, that’s what I’ve come up with for now. Oh, and a cool name (see
I’ve got my priorities in line): Daviant. I just printed out RFC
4918, so I’m sure I’ll have a better idea after I read that.

Any feedback would be most appreciated.


Oh oh, along the same “priorites” line - what about RadDAV? RADiant DAV
instead of WebDAV. :slight_smile:

Also, I’m not sure but would you edit your stuff in Production or would
just edit it in Development and then migrate it? I’m a Rails/Radiant
so I envision building things out in a development environment and then
migrating them to QA -> Production. Is that the way things operate in
world? I have a corporate enterprise mentality (just having recently
escaped) and it’s not quite clear how we move code around in Radiant.



The world I’m coming from is more small/mid-business perspective, so
what I’m looking at doing is probably overkill for anyone with less
than 4 or so people, but may not cut it for the more enterprisey (or
it may – I’ve never worked in a large company).

To answer your question about environments though, here’s how I see
it: all page editing would be done on Radiant in production mode. I
think it’s important to separate the idea of /Radiant’s/ development
environment and /Radiant’s content’s/ development (or QA or staging or
whatever you want to call pages that are quite ready for production)

Radiant’s development environment is best suited making extensions or
anything else that you would normally do inside of Rail’s development
env. A QA environment for the content should be alright using the
Radiant production env. Deploying from QA to a live, customer-facing
site would be a matter of uploading the database (and also deploying
any new extensions if applicable).

Oh, and I still like Daviant (or Daviancy): it combines DAV and
Radiant and also sounds close to “deviant”. And we all know that the
best Ruby projects have punk-sounding names! (E.g. pretty much
anything by Zed S… :wink:


On Oct 2, 2007, at 14:50 , Andrew O’Brien wrote:

Oh, and I still like Daviant (or Daviancy): it combines DAV and
Radiant and also sounds close to “deviant”. And we all know that the
best Ruby projects have punk-sounding names! (E.g. pretty much
anything by Zed S… :wink:

Not to nitpick but I think DAViant is more correct? Uh, nah that
looks weird.

– Mitch