Re: One-Click Installer: MinGW? or VC2005?

I would also like to support a two-part solution that has been suggested

  • one part that essentially installs with one click and gives you a nice
    to start with, like the one-click installer does today,
  • plus the possibility to install software from source, as you’re used
    from using Ruby under Linux.

I guess this counts as a vote for MinGW :slight_smile:

Best regards,


[email protected] wrote:

I guess this counts as a vote for MinGW :slight_smile:

Could someone remind me what it was that can’t be built using MinGW?

Could someone remind me what it was that can’t be built using MinGW?
I’ll have a shot at that :wink:

There is nothing really that can’t be build with mingw/msys. Even though
‘Min’ stands for Minimal, with the proper support libs you can build
anything at all. Its a full blown compiler suite.

The choice is much more between a standard compiler for MS Windows and
that is overtaking on the outer lane. Two more comments to that:

  • Not sure what standard means on Windows anyway; they have pretty much
    shot themselves in the foot a few times in the past over that.
  • Can anyone really prove mingw doesn’t adhere even more closely to the
    standards? Has anyone looked at the generated code and has some solid
    technical arguments involving assembler and compiler optimisation that
    imply we should chose MS VC++ over mingw?

Ok that last comment is another question, actually. Anyone?


M. Edward (Ed) Borasky wrote:

[email protected] wrote:

I guess this counts as a vote for MinGW :slight_smile:

Could someone remind me what it was that can’t be built using MinGW?

My only concern is the ability to interface with other binary-only
code, especially c++ libraries.

To tell the truth, I haven’t even tried, so I’m not sure what
problems, if any, there is with that. But I would really like if
someone who knows his stuff to try out and convince me that it really
isn’t a issue.

After that, I’m all for mingw! (though I’d hope they update gcc, even
for only testing)

And embedded (extension) developer suite would certainly be awesome!
Either separate package or gem installable (maybe even have source gem
for building the cross-compiler?)