Scrive Eric B. [email protected]:
I use revision 6845 and RFX 2400.
anything else that might be relevant
Hi, thank you for your reply.
I use:
- Linux K-Ubuntu 7.04
*Gnuradio Trunk 6845
The command are :
sudo python -f 2.442e9 -T A --tx-amplitude 10000
–RX–> sudo python -f 2.4419899e9 -T A
(occuped tones, size packet and fft are default value)
Important: If I don’t change Rx frequency it can’t receive!!
I change the payload. I upload file to the code and I calculate its
Number packets= (lenght file/ size packets)+1
Before my modification I tested ofdm system and the result is similar
then after
The trial simulation (without USRP and antennas) is perfect. I Receive
packets and they are correct.
I tested with coax for estimate channel problem but the result is
similar to
real channel. I thought the problem was the channel but this experiment
my theory.
I don’t find the problem because my alteration code don’t change the
core code.
This is my result. final packet
Trial simulation
ok: True pktno: 4609 n_rcvd: 4610 n_right: 4610
bit right 14750243
bit wrong 0.0
All correct
ok: False pktno: 4000 n_rcvd: 1300 n_right: 830
bit right 2109817
bit wrong 2050183
Thank you a lot for your help.