Re: nuby: %w to understand quotes

Jake and Matz wrote:

%w{this\ is a\ test}

cool. escaping the space.

many thanks, jake/matz.

otoh, i am also ending up w lots of escapes like for longer strings

%w{ sample
short\ sample
there\ is\ quite\ a\ number\ of\ strings\ longer\ than\ this

if %w will optionally respect quotes, then it may simplify

kind regards -botp

Peña wrote:

%w{ sample
short\ sample
there\ is\ quite\ a\ number\ of\ strings\ longer\ than\ this

if %w will optionally respect quotes, then it may simplify

kind regards -botp

In that case, wouldn’t it be easier to just do

[“sample”, “short sample”, “there is quite a number of strings longer
than this”]



On Sat, 22 Apr 2006, [iso-8859-1] Peña, Botp wrote:

%w{ sample
short\ sample
there\ is\ quite\ a\ number\ of\ strings\ longer\ than\ this

if %w will optionally respect quotes, then it may simplify

i use this idiom:

 harp:~ > cat a.rb
 list = %Q[


    short sample

    there is quite a number of strings longer than this

    it's '#{ }' now

 ].scan %r/[^\s].*[^\s]/

 require 'yaml'
 y list

 harp:~ > ruby a.rb
 - sample
 - short sample
 - there is quite a number of strings longer than this
 - it's 'Sat Apr 22 08:11:37 MDT 2006' now

