“Gavin K.” [email protected] writes:
The original post in this thread suggests that omitting declarations of
variables leads to debugging problems for no real gain. My intended
point was that (for me) a lot of Ruby’s elegance comes from its
simplicity of expression. Ruby doesn’t do anything that I can’t do in
Lua or JavaScript, except make my life as a programmer way easier.
I think what the OP was getting at is that assignment syntax is
identical to declaration syntax, and there’s no clear distinction
between the two. Therefore, when you want an assignment to be an
assignment of an already declared variable, you have nothing checking
you for typos.
This has nothing to do, by the way, with variable typing. As an
example, perl with the “strict” flag on behaves this way, requiring
variables to be declared before use and most perl programmers don’t
find the extra checking cumbersome (in fact, if you go to perlmonks,
the first thing they’ll ask you to do is to turn on “use strict”).
Although variables can be declared in outher ways (it is, after all,
perl) most perl programmers just put "my " in front of their first
usage of a variable, and that’s that. You can declare and assign in
one statement, or do them in two.
In ruby, I imagine that we’d evolve some syntax like this:
class Foo
def initialize(name, thing)
n @name = name
n @thing = thing
n @count = 0
def inc
# This line is an error at class definition parse time, because
# I typoed a variable name
@coutn += 1
def compute
# these four will be initialized to nil
n a,b,c,d
# I can now use a, b, c, and d as local variables without further
# declaration.
Note that separating declaration from assignment also makes it dirt
simple to decide the proper scope of a variable, instead of having to
have the switch between ruby 1.9 and ruby 2.0 of various scoping
I’d welcome such a syntax to ruby - requiring, of course, a per-file
strictness switch; no point in killing backwards compatibility - and I
think that the extra typing would provide sufficient benefit to be
worth it. Note that block parameters are already declared in the ||
list at the start of the block, so nothing changes in:
myArray.each {|a,b| alert(a,b)}
although I may want to think carefully about what that block means in
the presence of a declared variable called ‘b’ in the surrounding
scope. I generally wouldn’t want the variable capture ruby does
presently, but some might.