Re: newbie doesn't understand why's example

fr dave:

all of you, have all been some help here…but i’m still confused and

i’m not trying split hairs here but what’s in the syntax of

end.join(sep) or foo=foo.join(sep) that ruby doesn’t

recursively recall

arraymine’s join… another words based on previous why’s (or other

tutorials that i’ve seen)

def fact(n)

if n=1 return 1


return n*fact(n-1)<<<<what’s the difference in the syntax from




it’s still recalling the function’s name…

you’ll have to think ruby or oo, at least. remember, methods in ruby/oo
are messages to receivers, and ergo they cannot stand alone. they may
have the same name, but since they are applied (or belongs) to a
different object, they are diff. ergo, you can create your own #join
method, wc can be totally different fr other ruby’s builtin #join
methods. ruby will apply the #join method you specify by it’s context,
meaning, where you applied the method in the first place. So, if you use
the #join method, as yourself, “join what?”.

check the diff/context of the ff:


some of these do not make sense (as they stand alone), but you’ll have
to find that out for yourself why.

if you can grasp the concept of receivers/objects, then, you’ll be
the pickaxe book is great intro and so is slagell’s 21 days…

hey, i’m a nuby, too.

kind regards -botp