Am i getting this right
With gr.block, each block has bunch of stream ports (vector
ins,vector outs) and some message port(which we use to specify
earlier in signature and there numbering use to start after stream ports
With gras.block, each block has bunch of ports with bulk_data buffer and
message queue(which will be posted msg from upstream). So when I am
len(ins[0]) its the length of bulk_data buffer(which buffering stream
i guess) so its returning 0.
Some more doubts
1.when we take length of output buffer m i asking length of output
available for use (so i don’t overwrite previous produced data).
2. tags are messages(associated with particular bulk_data) so are they
posted in message queue.(which must be different from actual message
3.when we are calling produce we are basically posting buffer data
downstream and when we consume we free up the input buffer