My apologies. The issue I am having is the same as can be referenced
. . .upon running ‘rake development db:migrate’, I recieve:
Extensions cannot be used until Radiant migrations are up to date.
This task will destroy any data in the database. Are you sure you
want to
continue? [yn] y
Create the admin user (press enter for defaults).
Name (Administrator):
Username (admin):
Password (radiant):
rake aborted!
Mysql::Error: #42S02Table ‘invoice_development.users’ doesn’t exist:
I have:
- a freshly created db
- a properly configured database.yml file
- installed Radiant from gem
Thanks again,
PS. I am using Mac OS 10.4.9 and have no trouble with my other rails
apps and plugins
Can you send your database.yml file?
. . .upon running ‘rake development db:migrate’, I recieve:
I assume you meant
rake development db:bootstrap
Is that what you actually ran? or just rake db:bootstrap? did you have
any RAILS_ENV set?
Michael Williams wrote:
My apologies. The issue I am having is the same as can be referenced
PS. I am using Mac OS 10.4.9 and have no trouble with my other rails
apps and plugins
Can you give us some additional details on your system:
ruby -v
gem list | grep ‘^[A-Za-z0-9]’
mysql -v
How did you install Ruby and Mysql? Did you use macports?
port list installed
Do your databases have the right permissions?
John L.
has anyone else been having problems with the cache expiry on the
virtual domain extension? I have my site divided into three virtual
domains, a main site and two private “blog” sites, but now the
automatic cache clear, when an article is edited for example, no
longer works. This is now really annoying as I have a comments
extensions running. It used to clear the cache, but now that seems
i haven’t looked into this yet, but thought i would ask if other
people had noticed it.
Keith B.
[email protected]
Tel: +49-7731-7983830