Thanks for your help, Ben!
I am confused on your assert_equal method:
assert_equal a.gsub(/[’"]/, ‘’), b.gsub(/[’"]/, ‘’)
Is /[’"]/ will strip out the quotes when comparing?
My assert_equal method:
- The portion arr[0] is from the read in external file.
- $ie.frame(“top”).select_list(:name,“site_id”). is from the dropdown
list application
This is the csv external file dropList.csv contain:
:: Select Site :: !!Eastgate_Mall
I think my actual problem is when reading into an array and compare, it
did not separate :: Select Site :: as one field and ::
!!Eastgate_Mall to another field for double quotes
That why the expect is <[":: Select Site ::,!!Eastgate_Mall,\n"]
( missing separate double quotes)
Instead of <[":: Select Site ::", “!!Eastgate_Mall”]>.
Thanks for your help!