RE: hosting multiple rails apps in one webroot?

It’s actually REALLY easy with lighttpd on linux.

Two apps… => /apps/code/ +> /apps/test/

Each application needs this in the environment.rb


ActionController::AbstractRequest.relative_url_root = “/code”


ActionController::AbstractRequest.relative_url_root = “/test”

Here’s a lighttpd config file that runs on port 80. Be sure to activate

Default configuration file for the lighttpd web server

Start using ./script/server lighttpd

server.port = 80
server.modules = (“mod_alias”, “mod_rewrite”,
“mod_accesslog”, “mod_fastcgi” )
server.document-root = “/apps/root/”
url.rewrite = ( “^/$” => “index.html”, “^([^.]+)$” =>
“$1.html” )

$HTTP[“url”] =~ “^/code” {
server.document-root = “/apps/code/public/”
alias.url = ( “/code” => “/apps/code/public” )
server.error-handler-404 = “/code/dispatch.fcgi”
server.errorlog = “/apps/code/log/lighttpd.error.log”
accesslog.filename = “/apps/code/log/lighttpd.access.log”
server.indexfiles = ( “dispatch.fcgi”, “index.html” )

fastcgi.server = ( “.fcgi” =>
“socket” => “/apps/code/log/code.socket”,
“min-procs” => 2,
“max-procs” => 2,
“bin-path” => “/apps/code/public/dispatch.fcgi”,
“bin-environment” => ( “RAILS_ENV” => “production” )

$HTTP[“url”] =~ “^/test” {
server.document-root = “/apps/test/public/”
alias.url = ( “/test” => “/apps/test/public” )
server.error-handler-404 = “/test/dispatch.fcgi”
server.errorlog = “/apps/test/log/lighttpd.error.log”
accesslog.filename = “/apps/test/log/lighttpd.access.log”
server.indexfiles = ( “dispatch.fcgi”, “index.html” )

fastcgi.server = ( “.fcgi” =>
“socket” => “/apps/test/log/test.socket”,
“min-procs” => 2,
“max-procs” => 2,
“bin-path” => “/apps/test/public/dispatch.fcgi”,
“bin-environment” => ( “RAILS_ENV” => “production” )

mimetype.assign = (
“.css” => “text/css”,
“.gif” => “image/gif”,
“.htm” => “text/html”,
“.html” => “text/html”,
“.jpeg” => “image/jpeg”,
“.jpg” => “image/jpeg”,
“.js” => “text/javascript”,
“.png” => “image/png”,
“.swf” => “application/x-shockwave-flash”,
“.txt” => “text/plain”

Doing this with SCGI is just as easy. Just change the appropriate
sections and it should work fine.

Good luck!!!



Your config listed below ALMOST worked …

In the $HTTP[“url”] conditional config blocks I had to change:
server.error-handler-404 = “/code/dispatch.fcgi”
server.error-handler-404 = “dispatch.fcgi”

I’m using lighttpd 1.4.11 on MacOS X 10.4.5.

I hadn’t realized how convoluted the process lighttpd uses is in order
to get to my rails apps. I enabled lighttpd debugging and carefully
watched the error log. When I connect to the url: lighttpd first discovers that the
doesn’t exist before connecting to:
and passing in the route:
Which works because the following param in config/environment.rb (thanks
for pointing it out):
ActionController::AbstractRequest.relative_url_root = “/railsapp1”
gets rails to strip the leading appname before routing.

So for anybody else who is interested example here’s the conditional
config block for one of my test apps which is accessed via url:

$HTTP[“url”] =~ “^/railsapp1” {
server.document-root = “/Users/stephen/dev/rails/railsapp1/public/”
alias.url = ( “/railsapp1” =>
“/Users/stephen/dev/rails/railsapp1/public” )
accesslog.filename =
server.error-handler-404 = “dispatch.fcgi”
server.errorlog =
server.indexfiles = ( “dispatch.fcgi”, “index.html” )

rails stuff

fastcgi.server = ( “.fcgi” =>
“socket” => “/Users/stephen/dev/rails/railsapp1/log/code.socket”,
“min-procs” => 2,
“max-procs” => 2,
“bin-path” =>
“bin-environment” => ( “RAILS_ENV” => “development” )

Thanks for your suggestion.

At 2:16 PM -0600 3/7/06, Hogan, Brian P. wrote:

Here’s a lighttpd config file that runs on port 80. Be sure to activate mod_alias!!
$HTTP[“url”] =~ “^/code” {
“min-procs” => 2,
server.errorlog = “/apps/test/log/lighttpd.error.log”
“.jpeg” => “image/jpeg”,
Good luck!!!


– Stephen B.
Director of Technology, Concord Consortium
10 Concord Crossing, Suite 300, Concord, MA 01742
direct and fax: 978 405-3209 main: 978 405 3200 mailto:[email protected]

Stephen B. wrote:

server.error-handler-404 = “dispatch.fcgi”
“bin-path” =>
“bin-environment” => ( “RAILS_ENV” => “development” )

I can’t get this config to work, strange… I have an Apache running at
public address with below in the config:
ProxyPass /cookbook http://localhost:3000/cookbook
ProxyPassReverse /cookbook http://localhost:3000/cookbook

Then I use the following lighttpd config:

Default configuration file for the lighttpd web server

Start using ./script/server lighttpd

server.port = 3000

server.modules = ( “mod_rewrite”, “mod_accesslog”,
“mod_fastcgi” ,
“mod_alias” )

server.error-handler-404 = “/dispatch.fcgi”

server.document-root = “/home/bbraem/cookbook/public”
server.event-handler = “freebsd-kqueue”

server.indexfiles = ( “dispatch.fcgi”, “index.html” )

server.errorlog = “log/lighttpd.error.log”

accesslog.filename = “log/lighttpd.access.log”

url.rewrite = ( “^/$” => “index.html”, “^([^.]+)$” =>

“$1.html” )

Change *-procs to 2 if you need to use Upload Progress or other tasks


need to execute a second request while the first is still pending.

fastcgi.server = ( “.fcgi” =>

( “localhost” =>


“min-procs” => 1,

“max-procs” => 1,

“socket” => “log/fcgi.socket”,

“bin-path” => “/home/bbraem/cookbook/public/dispatch.fcgi”,

“bin-environment” => ( “RAILS_ENV” => “development” )




$HTTP[“url”] =~ “^/cookbook” {
server.document-root = “/home/bbraem/cookbook/public/”
alias.url = ( “/cookbook” => “/home/bbraem/cookbook/public” )
accesslog.filename = “/home/bbraem/cookbook/log/access.log”
server.error-handler-404 = “dispatch.fcgi”
server.errorlog =
server.indexfiles = ( “dispatch.fcgi”, “index.html” )

rails stuff

fastcgi.server = ( “.fcgi” =>
“socket” => “/home/bbraem/cookbook/log/code.socket”,
“min-procs” => 2,
“max-procs” => 2,
“bin-path” => “/home/bbraem/cookbook/public/dispatch.fcgi”,
“bin-environment” => ( “RAILS_ENV” => “development” )

mimetype.assign = (
“.css” => “text/css”,
“.gif” => “image/gif”,
“.htm” => “text/html”,
“.html” => “text/html”,
“.jpeg” => “image/jpeg”,
“.jpg” => “image/jpeg”,
“.js” => “text/javascript”,
“.png” => “image/png”,
“.swf” => “application/x-shockwave-flash”,
“.txt” => “text/plain”

When starting this config I get no problems, but surfing to or gives routing errors for “” and
“/”. Does this work with your index.html?


When starting this config I get no problems, but surfing to or gives routing errors for “” and
“/”. Does this work with your index.html?

Does the file cookbook/public/index.html exist?
Does work? If this works and doesn’t change the order of index.html and
dispatch.fcgi in your config block:

server.indexfiles = ( “index.html”, “dispatch.fcgi” )

Lighttpd will now first look for the presence of index.html when serving
a directory and only when not found look for dispatch.fcgi in the same

Or leave it the way it is and add the following line to the END of

map.connect ‘’, :controller => ‘recipe’, :action => ‘list’

Set the :controller and :action to point to what you would like your app
to display on entry at the top.

You need to decide whether you want lighttpd to serve up any index.html
files for your rails app at all. You can instead handle this kind of url
request by specifying a default route.

FYI: When I was trying to fix my earlier problems I was having I turned
on the debugging flags for lighttpd in lighttpd.conf. The debugging data
appear in lighttpd.error.log.

enable debugging

debug.log-request-header = “enable”
debug.log-response-header = “enable”
debug.log-request-handling = “enable”
debug.log-file-not-found = “enable”

– Stephen B.
Director of Technology, Concord Consortium
10 Concord Crossing, Suite 300, Concord, MA 01742
direct and fax: 978 405-3209 main: 978 405 3200 mailto:[email protected]


Does the file cookbook/public/index.html exist?
Does work?

The file exists and the url works.

If this works and doesn’t change the order of index.html and dispatch.fcgi
in your config block:

server.indexfiles = ( “index.html”, “dispatch.fcgi” )

Lighttpd will now first look for the presence of index.html when serving a
directory and only when not found look for dispatch.fcgi in the same dir.

I tried that but it does not seem to help, strange. I guess there is
something wrong with my rewrite rules, here’s what I get when debugging
turned on (thanks for that hint!). The urls are:,,

2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.196) – splitting Request-URI
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.197) Request-URI : /cookbook
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.198) URI-scheme : http
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.199) URI-authority: localhost:3000
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.200) URI-path : /cookbook
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.201) URI-query :
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.196) – splitting Request-URI
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.197) Request-URI : //cookbook.html
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.198) URI-scheme : http
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.199) URI-authority: localhost:3000
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.200) URI-path : //cookbook.html
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.201) URI-query :
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.251) – sanatising URI
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.252) URI-path : /cookbook.html
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.360) – before doc_root
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.361)
Doc-Root : /home/bbraem/cookbook/public/
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.362) Rel-Path : /cookbook.html
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.363) Path :
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.411) – after doc_root
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.412)
Doc-Root : /home/bbraem/cookbook/public/
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.413) Rel-Path : /cookbook.html
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.414)
Path : /home/bbraem/cookbook/public/cookbook.html
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.431) – logical → physical
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.432)
Doc-Root : /home/bbraem/cookbook/public/
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.433) Rel-Path : /cookbook.html
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.434)
Path : /home/bbraem/cookbook/public.html
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.451) – handling physical path
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.452)
Path : /home/bbraem/cookbook/public.html
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.492) – file not found
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.493)
Path : /home/bbraem/cookbook/public.html
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.196) – splitting Request-URI
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.197) Request-URI : dispatch.fcgi
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.198) URI-scheme : http
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.199) URI-authority: localhost:3000
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.200) URI-path : dispatch.fcgi
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.201) URI-query :
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.251) – sanatising URI
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.252) URI-path : /dispatch.fcgi
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.360) – before doc_root
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.361)
Doc-Root : /home/bbraem/cookbook/public/
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.362) Rel-Path : /dispatch.fcgi
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.363) Path :
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.411) – after doc_root
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.412)
Doc-Root : /home/bbraem/cookbook/public/
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.413) Rel-Path : /dispatch.fcgi
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.414)
Path : /home/bbraem/cookbook/public/dispatch.fcgi
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.431) – logical → physical
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.432)
Doc-Root : /home/bbraem/cookbook/public/
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.433) Rel-Path : /dispatch.fcgi
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.434)
Path : /home/bbraem/cookbook/public/dispatch.fcgi
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.451) – handling physical path
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.452)
Path : /home/bbraem/cookbook/public/dispatch.fcgi
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.459) – file found
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.460)
Path : /home/bbraem/cookbook/public/dispatch.fcgi
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.582) – handling subrequest
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.583)
Path : /home/bbraem/cookbook/public/dispatch.fcgi
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (mod_fastcgi.c.3549) handling it in mod_fastcgi
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (connections.c.1394) Warning: Either the
returned status 404 or the error-handler itself was not found:
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (connections.c.1396) returning the original status
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (connections.c.1398) If this is a rails app: check
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.111) Response-Header:
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found

2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.196) – splitting Request-URI
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.197) Request-URI : /cookbook/
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.198) URI-scheme : http
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.199) URI-authority: localhost:3000
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.200) URI-path : /cookbook/
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.201) URI-query :
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.196) – splitting Request-URI
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.197) Request-URI : //cookbook/.html
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.198) URI-scheme : http
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.199) URI-authority: localhost:3000
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.200) URI-path : //cookbook/.html
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.201) URI-query :
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.251) – sanatising URI
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.252) URI-path : /cookbook/.html
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.360) – before doc_root
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.361)
Doc-Root : /home/bbraem/cookbook/public/
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.362) Rel-Path : /cookbook/.html
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.363) Path :
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.411) – after doc_root
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.412)
Doc-Root : /home/bbraem/cookbook/public/
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.413) Rel-Path : /cookbook/.html
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.414)
Path : /home/bbraem/cookbook/public/cookbook/.html
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.431) – logical → physical
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.432)
Doc-Root : /home/bbraem/cookbook/public/
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.433) Rel-Path : /cookbook/.html
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.434)
Path : /home/bbraem/cookbook/public/.html
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.451) – handling physical path
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.452)
Path : /home/bbraem/cookbook/public/.html
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.492) – file not found
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.493)
Path : /home/bbraem/cookbook/public/.html
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.196) – splitting Request-URI
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.197) Request-URI : dispatch.fcgi
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.198) URI-scheme : http
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.199) URI-authority: localhost:3000
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.200) URI-path : dispatch.fcgi
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.201) URI-query :
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.251) – sanatising URI
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.252) URI-path : /dispatch.fcgi
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.360) – before doc_root
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.361)
Doc-Root : /home/bbraem/cookbook/public/
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.362) Rel-Path : /dispatch.fcgi
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.363) Path :
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.411) – after doc_root
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.412)
Doc-Root : /home/bbraem/cookbook/public/
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.413) Rel-Path : /dispatch.fcgi
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.414)
Path : /home/bbraem/cookbook/public/dispatch.fcgi
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.431) – logical → physical
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.432)
Doc-Root : /home/bbraem/cookbook/public/
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.433) Rel-Path : /dispatch.fcgi
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.434)
Path : /home/bbraem/cookbook/public/dispatch.fcgi
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.451) – handling physical path
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.452)
Path : /home/bbraem/cookbook/public/dispatch.fcgi
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.459) – file found
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.460)
Path : /home/bbraem/cookbook/public/dispatch.fcgi
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.582) – handling subrequest
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.583)
Path : /home/bbraem/cookbook/public/dispatch.fcgi
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (mod_fastcgi.c.3549) handling it in mod_fastcgi
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (connections.c.1394) Warning: Either the
returned status 404 or the error-handler itself was not found:
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (connections.c.1396) returning the original status
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (connections.c.1398) If this is a rails app: check
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.111) Response-Header:
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found

2006-03-17 09:38:33: (response.c.196) – splitting Request-URI
2006-03-17 09:38:33: (response.c.197) Request-URI :
2006-03-17 09:38:33: (response.c.198) URI-scheme : http
2006-03-17 09:38:33: (response.c.199) URI-authority: localhost:3000
2006-03-17 09:38:33: (response.c.200) URI-path :
2006-03-17 09:38:33: (response.c.201) URI-query :
2006-03-17 09:38:33: (response.c.251) – sanatising URI
2006-03-17 09:38:33: (response.c.252) URI-path :
2006-03-17 09:38:33: (response.c.360) – before doc_root
2006-03-17 09:38:33: (response.c.361)
Doc-Root : /home/bbraem/cookbook/public/
2006-03-17 09:38:33: (response.c.362) Rel-Path :
2006-03-17 09:38:33: (response.c.363) Path :
2006-03-17 09:38:33: (response.c.411) – after doc_root
2006-03-17 09:38:33: (response.c.412)
Doc-Root : /home/bbraem/cookbook/public/
2006-03-17 09:38:33: (response.c.413) Rel-Path :
2006-03-17 09:38:33: (response.c.414)
Path : /home/bbraem/cookbook/public/cookbook/index.html
2006-03-17 09:38:33: (response.c.431) – logical → physical
2006-03-17 09:38:33: (response.c.432)
Doc-Root : /home/bbraem/cookbook/public/
2006-03-17 09:38:33: (response.c.433) Rel-Path :
2006-03-17 09:38:33: (response.c.434)
Path : /home/bbraem/cookbook/public/index.html
2006-03-17 09:38:33: (response.c.451) – handling physical path
2006-03-17 09:38:33: (response.c.452)
Path : /home/bbraem/cookbook/public/index.html
2006-03-17 09:38:33: (response.c.459) – file found
2006-03-17 09:38:33: (response.c.460)
Path : /home/bbraem/cookbook/public/index.html
2006-03-17 09:38:33: (response.c.582) – handling subrequest
2006-03-17 09:38:33: (response.c.583)
Path : /home/bbraem/cookbook/public/index.html
2006-03-17 09:38:33: (mod_staticfile.c.386) – handling file as static
2006-03-17 09:38:33: (response.c.594) – subrequest finished
2006-03-17 09:38:33: (response.c.111) Response-Header:
HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified

You need to decide whether you want lighttpd to serve up any index.html
files for your rails app at all. You can instead handle this kind of url
request by specifying a default route.

I’m also experiencing problems with images so I’d like this fixed with
index.html, of course my frontpage should become dynamic if I want my
application to be a little bit interesting…

Thanks for your response!

Stephen B. wrote:

It looks like some rewrite rule is changing cookbook to cookbook.html. I’d
suggest getting rid of any rewrite rules. The only thing like a rewrite
rule I have in my lighttpd.conf file is:

index-file.names = ( “index.php”, “index.html”,
“index.htm”, “default.htm”,

That did it! Thank you very much! I’ll add this information to the wiki
soon as possible. This will help other people for sure. All I have to do
find a nice page to link this in.

Thanks again

At 9:49 AM +0100 3/17/06, Bart B. wrote:

2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.201) URI-query :
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.196) – splitting Request-URI
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.197) Request-URI : //cookbook.html
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.198) URI-scheme : http
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.199) URI-authority: localhost:3000
2006-03-17 09:38:27: (response.c.200) URI-path : //cookbook.html

It looks like some rewrite rule is changing cookbook to cookbook.html.
I’d suggest getting rid of any rewrite rules. The only thing like a
rewrite rule I have in my lighttpd.conf file is:

index-file.names = ( “index.php”, “index.html”,
“index.htm”, “default.htm”,

2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.196) – splitting Request-URI
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.197) Request-URI : /cookbook/
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.198) URI-scheme : http
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.199) URI-authority: localhost:3000
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.200) URI-path : /cookbook/
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.201) URI-query :
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.196) – splitting Request-URI
2006-03-17 09:38:29: (response.c.197) Request-URI : //cookbook/.html

Again the “.html” is being added. You can download the source for your
version of lighttpd and check what line 197 in response.c is doing OR
you can just comment out all your rewrite rules to see if that helps.

Now this one worked. I’ll bet the rewrite rule saw the “.html” and
didn’t activate.

Bart B. wrote:

That did it! Thank you very much! I’ll add this information to the wiki as
soon as possible. This will help other people for sure. All I have to do
is find a nice page to link this in.

I have added this information to,
linked from

Any comments or additions are welcome of course!

Any comments or additions are welcome of course!

The lighttpd.conf section looks good.

The lighttpd.conf $HTTP[$url] configuration block technique can also be
used with or without Apache proxing and is very handy when you want to
host multiple raiils apps without making new subdomains.


server.event-handler = “freebsd-kqueue”

this is for FreeBSD!

I usually put the comment just before the directive.

That did it for me too! Just one small problem…

My css path is jacked up now. since my url is:


it won’t recognize for some reason where that css really is.

I hacked it and put it (stylesheets/) under the ‘normal’ server’s
webroot (it works but not recommended) but I’m sure there’s a way for it
to recognize it under it’s own virtual path…i.e.

this is my vhost conf:

1 $HTTP[“url”] =~ “^/ro/railsapp1” {
2 server.document-root = “/home/ro/public_html/railsapp1/public/”
3 alias.url = ( “/ro/railsapp1” =>
“/home/ro/public_html/railsapp1/public” )
4 accesslog.filename =
5 server.error-handler-404 = “dispatch.fcgi”
6 server.errorlog =
7 server.indexfiles = ( “dispatch.fcgi”, “index.html” )
8 # rails stuff
9 fastcgi.server = (
10 “.fcgi” => (
11 ( “socket” =>
12 “min-procs” => 2,
13 “max-procs” => 2,
14 “bin-path” =>
15 “bin-environment” => ( “RAILS_ENV” => “development” )
16 ))
17 )
18 }



Bart B. wrote:

Stephen B. wrote:

It looks like some rewrite rule is changing cookbook to cookbook.html. I’d
suggest getting rid of any rewrite rules. The only thing like a rewrite
rule I have in my lighttpd.conf file is:

index-file.names = ( “index.php”, “index.html”,
“index.htm”, “default.htm”,

That did it! Thank you very much! I’ll add this information to the wiki
soon as possible. This will help other people for sure. All I have to do
find a nice page to link this in.

Thanks again

If you notice on this line:
$HTTP[“url”] =~ “^/ro/railsapp1”

I have it under a main directory called /ro/ in lighty pointing to the
filesystem (/home/ro/public_html/railsapp1/public)

So I would, ideally, have:


What ‘fixed’ my problem is that I combined the name so that I ONLY have
one main directory per app:

Like so: $HTTP[“url”] =~ “^/rorailsapp1” …
$HTTP[“url”] =~ “^/joerailsapp1” …

http://dev/rorailsapp1 → (/home/ro/public_html/railsapp1/public)

http://dev/joerailsapp1 → (/home/joe/public_html/railsapp1/public)

So that I can have a nice CVS or Subversion type environment. Maybe I’m
not approaching this the right way. It works but It’d rather have it to
where the vhost is identified by user http://dev/ro/… Does this make sense Stephen?



Stephen B. wrote:

to recognize it under it’s own virtual path…i.e.

Did you try setting this in config/environment.rb:

ActionController::AbstractRequest.relative_url_root = ‘/railsapp1’

add it at the bottom:

to recognize it under it’s own virtual path…i.e.

Did you try setting this in config/environment.rb:

ActionController::AbstractRequest.relative_url_root = ‘/railsapp1’

add it at the bottom: