I’m trying to implement something in my app akin to 43things’ main
page, where more active topics are bigger than the less active topics.
The difference in my app is that I’m building a business-oriented app
and want to have a list of clients, where clients with recent activity
are larger than others.
I’m a bit behind in my email, so you may’ve already received an
answer, but have you looked at the Typo code which handles tags
(keywords)? This does exactly what you’re looking for.
Grab a copy of the Typo source code via svn checkout
svn:// typo
Then take a look at app/models/tag.rb,
components/plugins/sidebars/tag_controller.rb and
components/plugins/sidebars/tag/content.rhtml. This is the code which
varies the font-size of the tags based on their percent-used.