Hi Volker,
Yes sir, I’ve added throttles, and tried all of the provided demo’s.
I’ve also done more research, and further down the list are people
talking about the same thing…
so I have hope it’s not just me…
May be a silly question, but does your flow graph contain >a throttle block ?
– Volker
Am 21.06.2013 04:55, schrieb Crypto.Troop:
I just installed GNURADIO from git, onto a brand new install of Mint 15.
I followed the following
instructions:bgamari.github.com - Getting started with HackRF Jawbreaker
gnuradio-config-info -v
With Python 2.7, I was able to get everything compiled and installed.
The CMakeLists.txt in GNURADIO I had to tweak line(168)
to: find_package(PythonLibs 2.7) for it to include Python support.
My environment vars:
I built GNURADIO with the following cmake:
cmake -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python2.7
-DPYTHON_LIBRARY=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpython2.7.so.1 …/
I fire up gnuradio-companion and try a simple example dial_tone.grc. I
click generate, then execute, I see the standard “Executing
…”/tmp/dial_tone.py" “Using Volk machine: svx_64_mmx” etc… No other
errors. My problem is, no QT/WX GUI elements show up.
I built a simple grc file with a QT slider(and nothing else), and this
I tried a basic signal source, through a throttle right into a QT FFT
GUI element. The grc runs, no errors, yet the physical display of the
FFT fails.
I have on another box gnuradio 3.6.5 and all of this worked fine. I
compared qt/wx/python debs and verified both machines have similar
The key common factor in this problem is if i remove the signal sources
and sinks, the QT/WX basic sliders will show… Perhaps there is
something wrong with my version of gnuradio and how it handles
inputs/outputs, killing GUI display? I’ve also tried compiling against
python3, 3.3 and 3.3m…no luck.
Is there a way I can enable an extra layer of debug into GRC for me to
see what it’s doing??
I’ve tried running /tmp/dial_tone.py directly and it run’s, but no audio
or gui elements display. Another hint which may help, is a basic audio
source to audio sink, set to “pulse” does not output audio into my
speakers. The audio does work with the OS audio tests, and I am running
I would like to stay with the latest GNURADIO simply to support my
HackRf board, in which the HackRf gr-osmosdr library seems to only
support the latest version. I tried with 3.6.5 and it failed to
Thank you for any insight,