Re: GRC Fails to Display QT/WX Elements

Hi Volker,

Yes sir, I’ve added throttles, and tried all of the provided demo’s.
I’ve also done more research, and further down the list are people
talking about the same thing…

so I have hope it’s not just me… :slight_smile:



May be a silly question, but does your flow graph contain >a throttle block ?

– Volker

Am 21.06.2013 04:55, schrieb Crypto.Troop:


I just installed GNURADIO from git, onto a brand new install of Mint 15.
I followed the following - Getting started with HackRF Jawbreaker

gnuradio-config-info -v

With Python 2.7, I was able to get everything compiled and installed.
The CMakeLists.txt in GNURADIO I had to tweak line(168)
to: find_package(PythonLibs 2.7) for it to include Python support.

My environment vars:

I built GNURADIO with the following cmake:
cmake -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python2.7
-DPYTHON_LIBRARY=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ …/

I fire up gnuradio-companion and try a simple example dial_tone.grc. I
click generate, then execute, I see the standard “Executing
…”/tmp/" “Using Volk machine: svx_64_mmx” etc… No other
errors. My problem is, no QT/WX GUI elements show up.

I built a simple grc file with a QT slider(and nothing else), and this
I tried a basic signal source, through a throttle right into a QT FFT
GUI element. The grc runs, no errors, yet the physical display of the
FFT fails.
I have on another box gnuradio 3.6.5 and all of this worked fine. I
compared qt/wx/python debs and verified both machines have similar

The key common factor in this problem is if i remove the signal sources
and sinks, the QT/WX basic sliders will show… Perhaps there is
something wrong with my version of gnuradio and how it handles
inputs/outputs, killing GUI display? I’ve also tried compiling against
python3, 3.3 and 3.3m…no luck.

Is there a way I can enable an extra layer of debug into GRC for me to
see what it’s doing??
I’ve tried running /tmp/ directly and it run’s, but no audio
or gui elements display. Another hint which may help, is a basic audio
source to audio sink, set to “pulse” does not output audio into my
speakers. The audio does work with the OS audio tests, and I am running

I would like to stay with the latest GNURADIO simply to support my
HackRf board, in which the HackRf gr-osmosdr library seems to only
support the latest version. I tried with 3.6.5 and it failed to

Thank you for any insight,

Do you see any messages in /var/log/Xorg.0.log or /var/log/dmesg ?

Am 21.06.2013 15:43, schrieb Crypto.Troop:

On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 4:06 PM, Volker S. [email protected] wrote:

The CMakeLists.txt in GNURADIO I had to tweak line(168)

FFT fails.

I would like to stay with the latest GNURADIO simply to support my
HackRf board, in which the HackRf gr-osmosdr library seems to only
support the latest version. I tried with 3.6.5 and it failed to


Thank you for any insight,

By the way, I just pushed a fix to master that should correct this
